- Knut Skjærven, who generously contributed most of the photographic artwork. Knut is a Norwegian photographer, blogger and educator who lives in Copenhagen. Photographs are copyrighted. If you would like to use them, please contact Knut. You can see more of his work at The Europeans.
- Marcos Avlonitis, who designed the artwork for the competences in Module 4. You can view more of Marcos's artwork and contact him at MindofMarcos.
- Robert Lindner, who designed the Six Thinking Hats in Module 6.
© Knut Skjærven
- Galabina Shopova, who designed the header used on all downloads.
- Ben Ipgrave, who made the film "Sharing Encounters" in Module 2.
Many thanks, too, to all those who shared their own AIEs, their experience of working with the AIE and who contributed photographs used in the activities. For reasons of data privacy, names and some other details in these contributions have been changed.
This course was written and developed by Leah Dacheva, Julia Ipgrave and Rachel Lindner for the Education Department of the Council of Europe. The authors are particularly grateful to Josef Huber, Christopher Reynolds and Catherine Galon at the Council of Europe for their support.
All music used in this resource is licenced under a CC Attribution 3.0.