Eiropas himna
Kopš 1972. gada Eiropas himna ir fragments no Bēthovena 9. simfonijas Odas priekam prelūdijas.
Eiropas Padome nodrošina iespēju profesionāļiem un plašai sabiedrībai atskaņot dažādas Eiropas himnas interpretācijas. Šie ieraksti ir izvilkums no "Rhapsodie sur l'Hymne Européen", kuru radījis franču komponists Kristofs Gijārds. Eiropas Padome pasūtīja šos ierakstus, lai izmantotu tos dokumentālajās filmās, ziņās un citās programmās par Eiropas Padomi.
"Rhapsodie sur l'Hymne Européen" ir aizsargāts darbs. Tas nav brīvs no autortiesībām, jo ir reģistrēts mūzikas autortiesību sabiedrībā "Sacem" (Francijā). Komponists ir Kristofers Gijārds (Christopher Guyard).
The Council of Europe makes recordings of various interpretations and versions of the European Anthem available to radio, television and other media and the general public. The service is free but as these different works are protected their use and/or public broadcasting is subject to the payment of performing rights to Sacem (France). For all applications, please contact: [email protected]
Below you can find classical versions of the European Anthem, played on piano and on pipe organ.
To satisfy every European's musical taste, you will find below more adaptations of the European Anthem. All of these different versions are protected and not copyright-free.
« Rhapsodie sur l'Hymne Européen »,
by Christophe Guyard, performed by the SWR Symphony Orchestra of Baden-Baden and Freiburg, conducted by Roland Kluttig:
Jingle (00.21)
Slow version (01.11)
Anthem and final (01.56)
Full version (06.47)
«Rhapsodie sur l'Hymne Européen » ,
by Christophe Guyard:
Pipe Organ*, jingle (00.24)
Pipe Organ*, slow version (01.18)
Pipe Organ*, anthem et final (02.01)
Pipe Organ*, full version (04.55)
*Pipe Organ of the Béla Bartók National Concert Hall, Palace of Arts - Budapest, Hungary; entirely virtualised by Inspired AcousticsEuropean Hymn in Romani Variations: CD launched on the 20 November 2007
Roma version by Esma Redzepova
« Rhapsodie sur l'Hymne Européen »,
by Christophe Guyard, performed by Thierry Huillet:
Piano, jingle (00.24)
Piano, slow version (01.20)
Piano, anthem and final (01.44)
Piano, full version (06.14)Jazz violin version,
by Bertrand Vigier and Pascal Beck, performed by Sophie Duranton and Pierre Lange:
Short version (00.12)
Long version (00.38) Did you know?
Five countries have observer status with the Council of Europe: the Holy See, the United States, Canada, Japan and Mexico.
Eiropas Padome un 27 dalībvalstu Eiropas Savienība ir atšķirīgas organizācijas. Tomēr neviena valsts nekad nav pievienojusies Savienībai, pirms tam neiestājoties Eiropas Padomē.
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