Following the adoption of the Recommendation CM/Rec(2023)4 on Roma Youth Participation in April 2023, the Joint Council on Youth has called for the preparation of “roadmap” to support member states and other stakeholders to implement the recommendation and its guidelines in the next five years.

 Reflecting the participatory approach adopted in the preparation itself, the preparation of the “roadmap” ought to be done with input and proposals from Roma and Youth experts, including Roma young people and representatives of Roma youth organisations.

 The Consultative Meeting "Realising the Potential of Youth Participation" is thus held to prepare the proposals for the roadmap, along the lines of the Task Force on Roma Youth Participation, an informal coordination mechanism between Roma and Youth stakeholders.


 The meeting has the following objectives:

  • To identify the current needs and priorities related to the participation of Roma young people in the context of the Recommendation and of other initiatives and processes at national and European level;
  • To discuss practical ways and forms of using the Recommendation and its guidelines for advocacy and action purposes
  • To make proposals for implementation of the Recommendation in the next five years, including the specific roles of:
    1. a) National/public authorities in charge of Roma and Youth affairs
    2. b) National youth councils and mainstream youth organisations
    3. c) Roma youth and other civil society organisations
    4. d) The Roma and Travellers Team and the Youth Department of the Council of Europe
  • To propose support measures for the implementation of the roadmap
  • To exchange information about current plans and projects of Roma youth organisations and other stakeholders concerned with a view to coordinate calendars and processes where relevant, beyond the scope of the Recommendation.

 24-25 January 2024

European Youth Centre, Strasbourg