The Council of Europe project “Supporting Freedom of Media and Internet in Georgia” is built upon achievements of two previous EU-CoE projects in Georgia “Promoting Freedom, Professionalism and Pluralism of the Media” and “Protecting Internet Freedom through Legislation and Arrangements for multi-stakeholder Dialogue” under the Partnership for Good Governance (EU-CoE) that where implemented during 2015-2017. Those two projects’ achievements included strengthening the capacities of the broadcasting regulatory authority (National Communications Commission), journalistic self-regulatory body (Charter of Journalistic Ethics), addressing challenges linked to freedom of expression on-line, establishment of multi-stakeholder dialogue with regard to the Internet and promotion of the CoE standards on the internet and human rights.

  • Supporting national authorities in bringing legal and policy framework and practice on audio-visual services and media literacy in line with the CoE and European standards;
  • Further improvement of professionalism, responsibility and respect of ethical rules among journalists;
  • Supporting national authorities in further development and proper implementation of Internet related legal framework and regulations;
  • Strengthening the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms through the reinforcement of the protection of individuals with regard to their right to privacy and right to data protection.  
  • Expert assessments, opinions and recommendations on the multisectorial cooperation, legal and policy framework governing the media and internet, as well as countryspecific studies and publications;
  • Workshops, training sessions, conferences and study visits;
  • Development of the GNCC webpage on Media Literacy;
  • Development of the handbook on Ethical Journalism

Georgian National Communications Commission;

Georgian Charter of Journalistic Ethics;

Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia;

State Inspector's Service of Georgia;

Small and Medium Telecom Operator’s Association of Georgia;  

Civil Society;

Academia: Faculties of Journalism of Universities.

The project runs from 1 February 2019 until 31 January 2021

Tamar Kobakhidze - Project Officer

Victoria Koplatadze - Project Assistant