The Council of Europe project “Juvenile and Adult Detainees Support (JADES)" aims at

  • Achieving better protection of the rights of detained persons and their treatment;
  • Supporting in the rehabilitation of the juvenile offenders and the juvenile victims of the offences and their integration into society;
  • Providing help in the development better complaint independent investigation mechanisms against police misconduct;
  • Supporting in  proper investigation of the alleged ill-treatment.

The project intends to achieve:

  • The better management of the detainees in the Temporary Detention Isolators in line with European standards;
  • Well prepared police officers and the investigators working with the juvenile victims as well as juvenile offenders;
  • Readiness of the national monitoring bodies and civil society organisations to participate in the monitoring of human rights protection by the police and other investigative authorities

The programme budget is 600000 EUR

To implement the project, the Council of Europe will use a wide variety of activities, including:

  • Assessment of legal framework;
  • Expert reviews and technical papers;
  • Drafting of policies and action plans;
  • Training, peer exchange and other learning opportunities;
  • Awareness raising campaigns.

The project runs from July 2019 until the end of June 2021

Eter Kamarauli, Senior Project officer

Nino Lapachi, Project Assistant