The project "Developing a Drug Prevention Network for Parents and Professionals in Georgia" implemented by the Pompidou Group will provide international expertise and technical support to Georgian authorities for translating Georgia’s first Drug Prevention Strategy (2021-2026) into concrete actions and introducing evidence-based methods and targeted programmes of prevention. As the international drug policy platform of the Council of Europe, which Georgia joined in May 2020, the Pompidou Group is in the unique position to share a wide range of experiences in the drugs field with Georgian professionals and provide advice in aligning drug policies and practices with human rights standards.

The project aims to contribute to the reduction of drug use prevalence and associated risk factors as well as to more effective prevention of drug addiction. In this respect, assistance will be provided in the design and implementation of prevention interventions and building capacities among relevant professions (education, health, social care, etc.).

The project activities will follow a two-pronged approach: 1) to prevent or delay the onset of drug use, and 2) target vulnerable children and families who have already initiated drug use.

Partners: Inter-Agency Coordinating Council on Combatting Drug Abuse, Ministry of Justice of Georgia, National Drug Observatory, Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia, Ministry of Internally Displaced Persons from the Occupied Territories, Labour, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia, Ministry of Internal Affairs etc.

End Beneficiaries: children and adolescents at risk of drug use or dependence.

The project outcomes will be pursued through a variety of activities, including: collection, selection and adaptation and development of resource material on drug prevention for the use of prevention workers and parents; expert support to the assessment and implementation of concrete prevention programmes in line with international standards; cascade of trainings for professionals on drug prevention-related interventions, development of self-help and psychosocial tools for parents, development of programmes and tools with increased treatment demand of psychosocial trauma- and stress-related problems and substance use disorders in times of crisis, coordination with relevant ministries to support the implementation, monitoring and quality assurance of drug prevention policies, awareness and communication efforts on prevention standards, resource material and available psychosocial assistance.

The total budget of the Project is 360 000 Euros.

The project runs from June 2022 until the end of December 2023.