
  • Arnold Vardanyan, Visiting Professor, Yerevan State University (ECHR)
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  • Davit Melkonyan, Lecturer at Yerevan State University, Yerevan (ECHR, European Convention on Extradition, European Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters, European Convention on the Transfer of Proceedings in Criminal Matters, Convention on the Transfer of Sentenced Persons, European Convention for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment)
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  • Cameran Ashraf, Assistant Professor, Department of Public Policy, Central European University, Vienna, Austria (Artificial Intelligence, ECHR)
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  • Andrea Krizsan, Professor in Public Policy and Gender Studies, Central European University, Vienna (Istanbul Convention)
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  • Eva Brems, Senior Full Professor, Head of the Human Rights Center, Ghent University (European Convention on Human Rights, European Social Charter, Istanbul Convention, CPT, Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities)
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  • Laure du Castillon, Substitut du Procureur du Roi, Brussels (Criminal Law Convention on Corruption, Civil Law Convention on Corruption, Istanbul Convention)
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Bosnia and Herzegovina

  • Šejla Maslo Čerkić, National Legal Officer, OSCE Mission to BiH (ECHR)
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  • Harun Išerić, Senior Teaching and Research Assistant, PhD Student, University of Sarajevo (ECHR, European Charter of Local Self-Government, Convention for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment)
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  • Ivana Radačić, Research Adviser, Ivo Pilar Institute of Social Sciences, Zagreb (ECHR, Istanbul Convention)
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  • Ana Horvat Vuković, Professor, Dean, Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb (ECHR, Istanbul Convention, Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities)
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  • Aristoteles Constantinides, Associate Professor of International Law and Human Rights, University of Cyprus (European Convention on Human Rights, European Social Charter, Istanbul Convention, Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities)
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  • Alina Tryfonidou, Assistant Professor in Law, University of Cyprus, Nicosia (ECHR)
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  • Lubomir Majercik, Lecturer, Masaryk University, Brno (ECHR)
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  • Harald Christian Scheu, Professor of European Law, Charles University, Prague (ECHR, Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities, European Charter for Regional and Minority Languages)
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  • Lisa Grans, Postdoctoral Researcher, Åbo Akademi University, (Istanbul Convention)
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  • Marianna Muravyeva,  Professor, University of Helsinki (Istanbul Convention)
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  • ​​​​​Academic Network on the European Social Charter and Social Rights/Réseau Académique sur la Charte Sociale Européenne et les Droits Sociaux (RACSE/ANESC), Strasbourg, France (European Social Charter)
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  • Anca Alincai, Professor of Public Law, University of Grenoble-Alpes (ECHR, European Social Charter, Istanbul Convention, Convention for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, Convention on the Protection of Children against Sexual Violence and Sexual Abuse) 
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  • Ivan Boev, Maître de conférences HDR, Université de Strasbourg, France (ECHR, Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities, European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages)
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  • Glòria Casas Vila, Associate Professor, Université Toulouse 2 Jean Jaurès (Istanbul Convention)
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  • Clotilde Champeyrache, Maitre de Conférences, Conservatoire National des Art et Métiers (CNAM) (Criminal Law Convention on Corruption, Civil Law Convention on Corruption)
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  • Collège européen des investigations financières et de l´analyse financière criminelle (CEIFAC), Université de Strasbourg (Criminal Law Convention on Corruption, Civil Law Convention on Corruption)
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  • Chantal Cutajar, Maître de Conférences HDR, Université de Strasbourg, France (Criminal Law Convention on Corruption, Civil Law Convention on Corruption)
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  • Peggy Ducoulombier, Professeur de droit public, Université de Strasbourg (ECHR)
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  • Emilie Ehrengarth, Enseignant-Chercheur contractuel, Université de Strasbourg France (Criminal Law Convention on Corruption, Civil Law Convention on Corruption)
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  • Estelle Gallant, Professor of Private Law, Université Toulouse Capitole (Istanbul Convention, Rights of the Child)
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  • Andreea Gruev-Vintila, Researcher, Université Paris-Nanterre (ECHR, Istanbul Convention)
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  • Venera Kabashi, Lawyer, Strasbourg (ECHR, Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities)
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  • Athanasios Kalogiros, PhD Candidate, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (ECHR, Venice Commission, Execution of Judgments of the ECtHR, Statute of the CoE)
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  • Marija Kamber, PhD Candidate, University of Kent (European Cultural Convention, Convention for the Protection of the Archaeological Heritage of Europe, Convention on the Value of Cultural Heritage for Society, Council of Europe Convention on Offences relating to Cultural Property)
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  • Anna Matteoli, Chargée d´enseignement, Université de Strasbourg, France (Istanbul Convention)
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  • Natalia Mishyna, Postdoctoral Researcher, SAGE Laboratory, Université de Strasbourg (ECHR)
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  • Benjamin Moron-Puech, Professor, Université Lumière Lyon 2 (Istanbul Convention, Oviedo Convention, ECHR, European Social Charter)
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  • Cristina Oddone, Researcher, Université de Strasbourg (Istanbul Convention, Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights)
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  • Delphine Porcheron, Maîtresse de conférences en droit, Université de Strasbourg (Istanbul Convention)
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  • Pierre-Guillaume Prigent, Lecturer, Université de Bretagne Occidentale (Istanbul Convention)
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  • Konstantin KorkeliaProfessor, Director of Human Rights Center, International Law Institute of the Faculty of Law, Tbilisi State University, Georgia (European Convention on Human Rights)
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  • Linda Aguilar, Senior Academic Researcher, Europa-Universität Viadrina (ECHR)
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  • Christina Binder, Professor of International Law and Human Rights Law, Universität der Bundeswehr, München (European Convention on Human Rights, European Social Charter, Istanbul Convention, Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities, European Charter of Local Self-Government)
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  • Marten Breuer, Professor of Law, Universität Konstanz, (European Convention on Human Rights, Convention for the Protection of Individuals with Regard to the Processing of Personal Data, Artificial Intelligence)
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  • Kriszta Kovács, Senior Researcher, WZB Berlin Social Sciences Center, Associate professor, ELTE University Budapest (ECHR, Istanbul Convention, European Convention on Nationality)
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  • Susanne Nothhafft, Professor of Law, Catholic University of Applied Sciences Munich KSH (Istanbul Convention, Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, Convention on the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse)
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  • Stefanie Schmahl, Professor, Faculty of Law, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg (ECHR, Rights of the Child, Climate Change and Human Rights, Intelligence Services and Human Rights)
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  • Ulrich Stelkens, Professor in German and European Administrative Law, German University of Administrative Sciences Speyer (European Convention on Human Rights, Convention for the Protection of Individuals with regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data, European Charter on Local Self-Government, Council of Europe Convention on Access to Official Documents)
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  • Carmen Thiele, Professor of International Law, Eastern Law and Comparative Law, Vice Dean and Dean of Studies, Faculty of Law, Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) (European Convention on Human Rights, Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities, European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages)
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  • Cathérine Van De Graaf, Postdoctoral Researcher, Academy for European Human Rights Protection, University of Cologne (ECHR, Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities)
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  • Maria Gavouneli, Professor of International Law, Faculty of Law, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens (ECHR, Criminal Law Convention on Corruption, Civil Law Convention on Corruption, Environment and Human Rights)
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  • Panagiotis Glavinis, Professor, Dean of Law School, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (European Convention on Human Rights, Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence, Convention on the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse, Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine, European Convention on the Exercise of Children´s Rights)
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  • Lina Papadopoulou, Professor, Faculty of Law, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (European Convention on Human Rights, Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (Istanbul Convention), Convention on the Protection of Children against Sexual Violence and Sexual Abuse, Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine, European Convention on the Excercise of Children´s Rights)
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  • Lidia Balogh, Researcher, HUN-REN Centre for Social Sciences, Budapest (Istanbul Convention, Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities)
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  • János Fiala-Butora, Senior Research Fellow, HUN-REN Centre for Social Sciences, Budapest (European Convention on Human Rights, Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities, European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages, Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Dignity of the Human Being with regard to the Application of Biology and Medicine (Oviedo Convention)
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  • Csongor István Nagy, Professor of Law, HUN-REN Centre for Social Sciences, Budapest (ECHR, Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities, European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages) 
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  • Pál Sonnevend, Professor of International Law and European Public Law, ELTE Law School, Budapest (ECHR)
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  • Andrew Forde, Adjunct Lecturer, Irish Centre for Human Rights, University of Galway, Commissioner on Irish Human Rights & Equality Commission (European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) and its protocols, Statute of the Council of Europe, European Convention for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, European Social Charter (Revised))
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  • Tobias Lock, Professor of Law, Maynooth University, Maynooth (ECHR)
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  • Hubert Smekal, Associate Professor of Law, Maynooth University, Maynooth (ECHR)
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  • Gizem Yardimci, PhD Researcher, Maynooth University, Maynooth (ECHR, Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights)
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  • Daniela Belliti, Researcher, University of Milano-Bicocca (Istanbul Convention)
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  • Marina Calloni, Professor of Political Philosophy, University of Milano Bicocca, Italy (Istanbul Convention)
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  • Sara De Vido, Associate Professor of International Law, Delegate of the Rector for Gender Equality, Ca´ Foscari University of Venice (ECHR, Council of Europe Convention on the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse, Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings, Council of Europe Framework Convention on the Value of Cultural Heritage for Society)
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  • Micaela Frulli, Professor of International Law, University of Florence (ECHR, Istanbul Convention, Council of Europe Convention on Offences relating to Cultural Property)
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  • Guiglia Giovanni, Associated Professor of Public Law, University of Verona (European Social Charter)
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  • Maria Kotsoni, Researcher, European University Institute, Florence (European Social Charter)
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  • Michele Nicoletti, Professor of Political Philosophy, University of Trento, Italy (European Academic Coordinator of OCEAN)
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  • Anca Radu, Researcher in Law, Teaching Assistant, European University Institute, Florence (ECHR, Framework Convention on Artificial Intelligence, CEPEJ European Ethical Charter on the Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Judicial Systems and their Environment)
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  • Rosario Sapienza, Professor of International Law, University of Catania (ECHR)
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  • UNIRE - Italian Academic Network against Gender Violence, University of Milano-Bicocca (Istanbul Convention)
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  • Universities Network for Children in Armed Conflict (UNETCHAC), Rome, Italy (Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence (CETS No. 210); Council of Europe Convention on the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse (CETS No. 201); Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings (CETS No. 197); Council of Europe Convention on the Prevention of Terrorism (CETS No. 196); Convention on Contact concerning Children (CETS No. 192))
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  • Zhansulu Altybayeva, PhD Student, L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University (Istanbul Convention)
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  • Anastasija Kaplane, Lecturer, Riga Graduate School of Law (ECHR, Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities, European Social Charter, Istanbul Convention)
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  • Ilona Michailovič, Associate Professor, Vilnius University, Faculty of Law (Istanbul Convention, Council of Europe Convention against Trafficking in Human Beings)
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  • Paulius Pakutinskas, Full Professor, Head of Legal Tech Centre, Mykolas Romeris University, Vilnius ( Artificial Intelligence, Convention on Cybercrime, European Ethical Charter on the Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Judicial Systems and their Environment)
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  • Catherine Warin, Lecturer, European Institute for Public Administration (ECHR, Istanbul Convention, Council of Europe Convention on the Avoidance of Statelessness in relation to State Succession, European Convention for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, European Agreement on Transfer of Responsibility for Refugees)
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  • Svetlana Cebotari, Professor of Political Science, Moldova State University, Chisinau (Istanbul Convention)
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  • Andrea Broderick, Professor, Maastricht University (ECHR)
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  • Antoine Buyse, Professor of Human Rights, Utrecht University (ECHR)
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  • Monica Claes, Professor of European and Comparative Constitutional Law, Maastricht University (ECHR, Istanbul Convention)
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  • Šejla Imamović, Assistant Professor of European Human Rights Law, Maastricht University (ECHR)
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  • Kushtrim Istrefi, Assistant Professor of Human Rights Law, Utrecht University (ECHR)
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  • Hannah van Kolfschooten, Lecturer and Researcher, Law Centre for Health and Life, University of Amsterdam (ECHR, Oviedo Convention, Artificial Intelligence Convention, Convention for the Protection of Individuals with Regard to the Processing of Personal Data)
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  • Jasper Krommendijk, Professor, Research Centre for State and Law, Radboud University, Nijmegen (ECHR, European Social Charter) 
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  • Alberto Quintavalla, Assistant Professor of Innovation of Public Law, Erasmus University Rotterdam (ECHR, Convention on Cybercrime, Framework Convention on Artificial Intelligence)
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  • Margaretha Wewerinke-Singh, Associate Professor of Law, Amsterdam Law School, University of Amsterdam (European Convention on Human Rights, European Social Charter, Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities, European Charter for Regional and Minority Languages, European Cultural Convention, Convention for the Protection of the Archaeological Heritage of Europe, Convention on the Value of Cultural Heritage for Society, Council of Europe Convention on Offences relating to Cultural Property, European Convention on the Excercise of Children´s Rights)
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  • Marius Emberland, Professor of Public and International Law, Department of Law and Governance, BI Norwegian Business School, Oslo (ECHR, Execution of Judgments of the ECtHR)
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  • Andreas Føllesdal, Professor of Political Philosophy, Department of Public and International Law, Faculty of Law, University of Oslo (ECHR)
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  • Jon Petter Rui, Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Bergen (European Convention on Human Rights) 
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  • Aleksandra Gliszczyńska-Grabias, PhD, Assistant Professor at the Institute of Law Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw (ECHR, Additional Protocol to the Convention on Cybercrime, concerning the criminalisation of acts of a racist and xenophobic nature committed through computer systems, European Convention on Nationality, Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities) 
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  • Magdalena Grzyb, Assistant Professor, Jagiellonian University in Kraków (Istanbul Convention, Council of Europe Convention on the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse, Council of Europe Convention against Trafficking in Human Beings)
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  • Agata Hauser, Assistant Professor, Adam Mickiewicz University Poznan (ECHR, European Social Charter)
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  • Katarzyna Sekowska-Kozlowska, Head of Poznan Human Rights Centre, Polish Academy of Sciences (Istanbul Convention)
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  • Anna Śledzińska-Simon, Professor in the University of Wrocław, Faculty of Law, Administration and Economics, Chair in Constitutional Law (Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence, Convention for the protection of Human Rights and Dignity of the Human Being with regard to the Application of Biology and Medicine: Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine, European Social Charter, Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities, European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages, Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms)
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  • Michał Słowikowski, Associate Professor, University of Lodz, Faculty of International and Political Studies (European Convention for the Peaceful Settlement of Disputes)
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  • Sandra Inês Feitor, Assistant Professor at Faculty of Law of Lisbon Lusofona University (ECHR, Istanbul Convention, European Convention on the Exercise of Children´s Rights)
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  • Ana Isabel Martins Sani, Associate Professor, University Fernando Pessoa, Porto (Istanbul Convention, Lanzarote Convention)
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  • András Bethlendi,Visiting Lecturer, Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania (European Convention on Human Rights, Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities, ​​​​​​​European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages)
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  • Alina Gentimir, Associate Professor, "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iași (ECHR, Convention for the Protection of Individuals with Regard to the Processing of Personal Data, Artificial Intelligence, Climate change, Environment)
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  • Stefan Purici, Professor, Department of Human, Social and Political Sciences, Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava (Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities, European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages)
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  • Razvan Horatiu Radu, Professor in ECHR and EU LAW at Faculty of Law, University of Economic Studies, Bucharest (ECHR, European Convention for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, Istanbul Convention) 
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  • Marcela Slusarciuc, Lecturer in the Department of Humanities, Social and Political Sciences, University ”Ștefan cel Mare” of Suceava (European Charter of Local Self-Government on the Right to Participate in the Affairs of a Local Authority, European Outline Convention on Transfrontier Co-operation between Territorial Communities or Authorities concerning Euroregional Co-operation Groupings (ECGs))
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  • Laura-Cristiana Spataru-Negura, Lecturer, University of Nicolae Titulescu, Bucharest, Romania (European Convention on Human Rights, European Social Charter)
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  • Kosana Beker, Independent Researcher, Pancevo (Istanbul Convention)
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  • Slavoljub Caric, Law Professor, National Academy for Public Administration; Diplomatic Academy; Law Faculty of University of Belgrade; Faculty of Law for Commerce and Judiciary in Novi Sad (Execution of judgments of the ECHR)
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  • Bojana Cuckovic, Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade (Istanbul Convention)
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  • Ivana Krstic, Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade (Istanbul Convention)
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  • Dragica Vujadinovic, Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade (Istanbul Convention)
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  • ​​​​​​Ana Zdravković, PhD candidate, Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade (Istanbul Convention)
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  • Jernej Letnar Černič, Professor of Constitutional and Human Rights Law, New University, Faculty of Government and European Studies, Kranj, Slovenia (European Convention on Human Rights, European Social Charter, Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities, European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages, Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence)
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  • Vesna Leskošek, Professor, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Work (Istanbul Convention)
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  • Vasilka Sancin, Professor of Law, University of Ljubljana (Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights, Environment and Human Rights)
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  • María Acale Sánchez, Professor of Criminal Law, University of Cádiz (Istanbul Convention) 
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  • Basque Institute of Criminology (University of the Basque Country), Donostia (Istanbul Convention, Restorative Justice, Recommendations on Prevention and Reparation of Victimization)
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  • Alicia Brox, Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Zaragoza (Istanbul Convention)
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  • Javier Fernández-Teruelo, Professor of Criminal Law, University of Oviedo (Istanbul Convention)
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  • Andrea Planchadell-Gargallo, Professor of Procedure Law and Criminal Procedure Law, University Jaume I, Castellón de la Plana (Istanbul Convention, Council of Europe Convention on Trafficking in Human Beings, Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, Criminal Law Convention on Corruption, Civil Law Convention on Corruption, Criminal Asset Recovery Convention, Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights, Efficiency of Justice CEPEJ)
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  • Research Group on Sustainable Society and Law (SOIUS), University of Lleida (Istanbul Convention, Council of Europe Convention on the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse, Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings, Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms)
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  • Carlos Ruiz-Miguel, Professor, Faculty of Law, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (ECHR, Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Dignity of the Human Being with regard to the Application of Biology and Medicine: Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine, European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages)
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  • Carolina Villacampa, Professor of Criminal Law and Victimology, University of Lleida (Istanbul Convention, Council of Europe Convention on the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse, Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings, Convention for the Protection o Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms)
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  • Anna-Sara Lind, Professor of Public Law, Uppsala University (ECHR, European Social Charter, Oviedo Convention, Artificial Intelligence, Climate Change/Environment and Human Rights, Rights of the Child, Convention for the Protection of Individuals with Regard to the Processing of Personal Data)
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  • Karol Nowak, Associate Professor, Lund University (ECHR, Convention on the Prevention of Terrorism, Convention for the Protection of Individuals with regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data)
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  • Vladislava Stoyanova, Associate Professor, Lund University (ECHR, Istanbul Convention, Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings)
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  • Roberto Andorno, Associate Professor, Research Fellow, University of Zurich (Oviedo Convention)
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  • Véronique Boillet, Professor of Public Law, Université de Lausanne (ECHR, Istanbul Convention, Climate Change / Environment and Human Rights)
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  • Lucia Gonzo, Lausanne, MD Psychiatrist (Istanbul Convention)
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  • Corina Heri, Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Zurich (ECHR, Human Rights and Environment)
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  • Alice Margaria, Assistent Professor,  Faculty of Law, University of Zurich (ECHR, Oviedo Convention, Istanbul Convention)
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  • Andrea Martani, Postdoctoral Researcher, Institute for Biomedical Ethics, University of Basel (ECHR, Oviedo Convention)
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  • Ilaria Pretelli, Senior Research Fellow, Lausanne, Swiss Institute of Comparative Law (Istanbul Convention)
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  • Roberta Ruggiero, Director of the Children´s Rights Academy, Centre for Children's Rights Studies, Université de Genève (European Convention on the Exercise of Children's Rights, Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, Council of Europe Convention on the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse, European Convention on Recognition and Enforcement of Decisions concerning Custody of Children and on Restoration of Custody of Children)
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  • Ayşe Feride Acar, Professor (retired), Middle East Technical University (Istanbul Convention)
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  • Olgun Akbulut, Associate Professor, Kadir Has University, Istanbul, Türkiye, Advisory Board Member of OCEAN (European Convention on Human Rights, European Social Charter, Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities)​​​​​​
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  • Fehmiye Ceren Akçabay Karataş, Assistant Professor, Istanbul Okan University, Faculty of Law (Istanbul Convention)
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  • Bilkent University, Ankara (ECHR, Istanbul Convention, Local and Regional Authorities, Migration and Refugee Rights)
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  • Demirhan Burak Çelik, Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, Galatasaray University, Istanbul (ECHR, European Social Charter)
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  • Elvin Evrim Dalkilic, Associate Professor, Bilkent University, Ankara (European Convention on Human Rights, Convention for the Protection of Individuals with regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data, European Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters)
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  • Ayşe Dicle Ergin, Professor, Associate Dean, Faculty of Law, Bilkent University (ECHR)
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  • Ulaş Karan, Associate Professor, Istanbul Bilgi University, Faculty of Law (Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, European Social Charter, Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings) 
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  • Ezel Buse Sönmezocak, PhD Candidate, Attorney at Law, Koc University, Istanbul (Istanbul Convention)
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  • Aslı Topukcu, Assistant Professor, Yaşar University, Faculty of Law, İzmir (European Convention on Human Rights, European Social Charter, Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights)
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  • Gülriz Uygur, Professor, School of Law, Ankara University (Istanbul Convention)
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  • Zülfiye Yilmaz, Assistant Professor, Bilkent University, Ankara (Criminal Law Convention on Corruption, European Charter of Local Self-Government, Oviedo Convention, European Convention on Human Rights)
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  • Anatoliy Kruglashov, Professor and Head, Department of Political Science and Public Administration, Director, Research Institute of European Integration and Regional Studies, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University (European Charter of Local Self-Government, European Convention on Nationality, Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities)
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United Kingdom

  • Elena Brodeala, Lecturer in Law, University of Kent, Kent Law School (Istanbul Convention, ECHR, Oviedo Convention)
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  • Anna Bull, Senior Lecturer in Education and Social Justice, University of York (Istanbul Convention)
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  • Koldo Casla, Senior Lecturer in International Law, University of Essex (ECHR, European Social Charter)
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  • Shazia Choudhry, Professor of Law, University of Oxford (ECHR, Istanbul Convention)
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  • Alice Donald, Professor of Human Rights, School of Law and Social Sciences, Middlesex University (ECHR) 
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  • Kanstantsin Dzehtsiarou, Professor in Human Rights Law & Associate Dean for Research and Impact, University of Liverpool (European Convention on Human Rights)
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  • Lilian Edwards, Professor of Law, Information and Society, Newcastle University (Artificial Intelligence) 
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  • Veronika Fikfak, Associate Professor in International Law, University College London (ECHR, European Convention on the Compensation of Victims of Violent Crimes, European Convention on the Suppression of Terrorism, European Convention on the Non-Applicability of Statutory Limitation to Crimes against Humanity and War Crimes, European Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters, Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Dignity of the Human Being with regard to the Application of Biology and Medicine: Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine, Convention on Cybercrime, European Convention on Extradition, European Social Charter)
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  • Lewis Graham, Law Society Fellow in Law, Wadham College, Oxford (ECHR)
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  • Barbara Havelkova, Associate Professor of Law, St,. Hilda´s College, University of Oxford (ECHR, Istanbul Convention)
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  • Wayne Holmes, Associate Professor in Critical Studies of Artificial Intelligence and Education, University College London (Artificial Intelligence, European Convention on Human Rights, European Convention on the Exercise of Children's Rights, Rights of the Child)
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  • Anne Laure Humbert, Co-Director of the Centre for Diversity Policy Research and Practice, Oxford Brookes University (Istanbul Convention)
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  • Elena Katselli, Reader in Public International Law, Newcastle University (European Convention on Human Rights,  European Social Charter, European Convention on the Compensation of Victims of Violent Crimes, Convention on the Protection of Children against Sexual Violence and Sexual Abuse, Convention for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, European Convention on the Exercise of Children´s Rights, European Convention on the Non-Applicability of Statutory Limitation to Crimes against Humanity and War Crimes, Migration and Refugee Rights)
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  • Yseult Marique, Professor, Essex Law School, University of Essex ( European Convention on Human Rights, Convention for the Protection of Individuals with regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data, European Charter on Local Self-Government, Council of Europe Convention on Access to Official Documents)
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  • Kasey McCall-Smith, Senior Lecturer in Public International Law, Global Justice Academy, University of Edinburgh (ECHR, European Social Charter, Istanbul Convention, European Convention on the Exercise of Children´s Rights, Convention on the Protection of Children against Sexual Violence and Sexual Abuse, Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings, European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment) 
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  • Mando Rachovitsa, Associate Professor in Human Rights Law, Deputy Director of the Human Rights Law Centre, University of Nottingham (European Convention on Human Rights, Convention on Cybercrime, Convention for the Protection of Individuals with Regard to the Processing of Personal Data, Artificial Intelligence Convention)
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  • Ramute Remezaite, School of Law, Middlesex University London (ECtHR Execution of Judgments) 
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  • Miroslaw Sadowski, Lecturer, School of Law, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow (ECHR, Council of Europe Convention on Offences relating to Cultural Property, European Cultural Convention)
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  • Josipa Šarić, Lecturer in Law, University of Kent, Canterbury (Istanbul Convention)
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  • School of Law and Justice of the University of Liverpool, University of Liverpool (ECHR, Oviedo Convention) 
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  • Vassilis Tzevelekos, Reader in Law (Associate Professor), University of Liverpool, United Kingdom (European Convention on Human Rights)
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  • Sam Varvastian, Lecturer in Law, School of Law and Politics, Cardiff University (ECHR, Oviedo Convention, Human Rights and Environment,  Comparative constitutional rights)
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  • Radosveta Vassileva, Visiting Research Fellow, Middlesex University London (ECHR, Istanbul Convention, European Convention for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, Criminal Law Convention on Corruption, Civil Law Convention on Corruption) 
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Artificial Intelligence
Civil Law Convention on Corruption
Climate Change/Environment and Human Rights
Convention for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment
Convention for the Protection of Individuals with Regard to the Processing of Personal Data
Convention for the Protection of the Architectural Heritage of Europe)
Convention on Contact concerning Children
Convention on Cybercrime
Convention on Information and Legal Co-operation concerning "Information Society Services"
Convention on the Protection of Children against Sexual Violence and Sexual Abuse
Convention on the Transfer of Sentenced Persons
Convention on the Value of Cultural Heritage for Society
Council of Europe Convention on Access to Official Documents
Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings
Council of Europe Convention on Offences relating to Cultural Property
Council of Europe Convention on the Avoidance of Statelessness in relation to State Succession
Council of Europe Convention on the Prevention of Terrorism
Council of Europe Framework Convention on the Value of Cultural Heritage for Society
Criminal Asset Recovery Convention
Criminal Law Convention on Corruption
ECtHR Execution of Judgments
European Agreement on Transfer of Responsibility for Refugees
European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages
European Charter of Local Self-Government
European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ)
European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT)
European Convention for the Peaceful Settlement of Disputes
European Convention on Consular Functions
European Convention on Extradition
European Convention on Human Rights
European Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters
European Convention on Nationality
European Convention on Offences Relating to Cultural Property
European Convention on Recognition and Enforcement of Decisions concerning Custody of Children and on Restoration of Custody of Children
European Convention on State Immunity
European Convention on the Compensation of Victims of Violent Crimes
European Convention on the Exercise of Children´s Rights
European Convention on the Legal Status of Migrant Workers
European Convention on the Non-Applicability of Statutory Limitation to Crimes against Humanity and War Crimes
European Convention on the Repatriation of Minors
European Convention on the Suppression of Terrorism
European Cultural Convention
European Ethical Charter on the Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Judicial Systems and their Environment
European Outline Convention on Transfrontier Co-operation between Territorial Communities or Authorities concerning Euroregional Co-operation Groupings
European Social Charter
Execution of Judgments of the ECtHR
Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities
GRECO/ Anti-corruption
Intelligence Services and Human Rights
Convention d'Istanbul
Migration and Refugee Rights
Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights
Oviedo Convention
Rights of the Child
Statute of the Council of Europe
Venice Commission
Bosnia and Herzegovina
North Macedonia
Russian Federation
United Kingdom
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