Following the call for applications launched last June by the Council of Europe 170 teams/candidates applied over the summer for being part of the mentoring programme.

10 of them were the lucky ones! They come from Armenia, Belgium, Germany, Greece, Italy, Lithuania, the Netherlands and the UK. Check their profiles here.

Retour MEAKER Morgan

Freelance foreign correspondent

Morgan Meaker is a freelance foreign correspondent, based in south London. She has covered human rights issues across Europe and North Africa for the BBC, the Guardian, Reuters and Al Jazeera English, among others. She has a master's degree in International Journalism from City University, London.

Her project, SOUF, aims to tackle the lack of diversity in British journalism. A series of training programmes, run through state south-London secondary schools, will give black and minority ethnicity (BAME) teenagers access to high-quality journalism education. SOUF will also operate as a local news outlet and creative agency, offering paid on-the-job training opportunities to BAME young people from the local area. SOUF aims to operate as an alternative training model to unpaid internships and expensive maters' degrees. Morgan is keen to make journalism more accessible; to make the industry representative of the UK's vibrant multicultural communities.