Following the call for applications launched last June by the Council of Europe 170 teams/candidates applied over the summer for being part of the mentoring programme.

10 of them were the lucky ones! They come from Armenia, Belgium, Germany, Greece, Italy, Lithuania, the Netherlands and the UK. Check their profiles here.

Retour KOLLIAS Fanis

Solomon, community of people

Fanis Kollias is a 25-year-old social initiator from Greece with background in media and communications. He studied Business Administration and has a Diploma in Social Entrepreneurship. After two failed attempts of bringing different ideas into reality, in October 2015 he came up with the idea of Solomon that was officially launched in January 2016.

Solomon is a community of people with very different backgrounds promoting an alternative perspective of the local society through media: more functional for all its members. Pairs of im/migrants and locals are producing content of articles, photos and videos. Solomon believes that social inclusion also means providing varied and diverse content because immigrant and refugees can be reliable interlocutors also in fields other than migration. At the end of the day, social inclusion is a matter that affects us all, and not immigrants and refugees alone.

Anna Mironova is a journalist from Russia who lives in Greece. She studied media. Currently she is part of the Solomon team as a contributor about topics on Social Economy. She’s also the moderator of communication with other organizations and media outlets.