Following the call for applications launched last June by the Council of Europe 170 teams/candidates applied over the summer for being part of the mentoring programme.

10 of them were the lucky ones! They come from Armenia, Belgium, Germany, Greece, Italy, Lithuania, the Netherlands and the UK. Check their profiles here.

Retour JACKLEY Stephen

Journalist and author

Stephen Jackley is a journalist and author based in Bristol, UK. He currently edits the magazine Boundless, and is interested in covering issues that promote environmental sustainability, social inclusion and public understanding of current issues.

Stephen helped found the publishing social enterprise, Arkbound, and is keen to work with other organisations to improve diversity and accountability in the media. He was born in Exeter and has had a turbulent history, but this has allowed him to see the value in providing a voice to those who are marginalised and misrepresented in the mainstream media.

By utilising 'stories from the unheard' and building a mentoring network between experienced and aspiring journalists, Stephen hopes to empower and educate those who have previously been excluded.