Indietro 'No-one gets left behind': the guideline of Camden Council’s communication strategy

Camden Council has a communication strategy to improve the visibility and image of people with migrant/minority backgrounds in the local media and the communication department is instructed to highlight diversity as an advantage regularly and in various types of communication. One of Camden's defining features is its diversity and the Council’s central mission is to ensure 'no-one gets left behind' and this implies that it focuses on communication projects that give visibility to people of all backgrounds. The Council also actively seeks to promote Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic leaders, by supporting its cabinet councillors, Youth members of parliament and community leaders by using them as spokespeople for key issues facing the borough.

With regard to media monitoring, the Council itself monitors the way in which traditional local and/or national media, as well as social media, portray people with migrant/minority backgrounds. When local media portray people with migrant/minority backgrounds through negative stereotypes, the Council engages with them directly. For example, it has discussed instances of perceived unfair treatment of Black, Asian and Minority ethnic councillors with local media and sought and achieved remedy for this.

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