Monitoring the implementation of the Lanzarote Convention
The Lanzarote Committee is the body responsible for monitoring the effective implementation of the Lanzarote Convention.
The monitoring procedure is divided into rounds, each concerning a specific thematic area and involving all State Parties simultaneously. The aim is to create a momentum around a specific aspect of the protection of children against sexual exploitation and sexual abuse, which in turn fosters the exchange of promising practices and enables the identification of shortcomings or difficulties in their national legislation and policy frameworks. This allows the Lanzarote Committee to regularly provide a comparative overview of the situation in all Parties regarding a specific trend in the fight against sexual exploitation and sexual abuse of children.
As part of the monitoring process, national authorities and other sources reply to questionnaires provided by the Lanzarote Committee. In addition to the Thematic Questionnaires dedicated to each monitoring round, all Parties responded to a General Overview Questionnaire upon accession to the Lanzarote Convention.
General Overview Questionnaire
The General Overview Questionnaire aims to collect information from all States Parties upon accession to the Lanzarote Convention. It provides the Lanzarote Committee with a comprehensive overview of the national legal frameworks and practices in place to prevent and protect children from sexual exploitation and sexual abuse.