Basic training on trafficking in human beings for the purpose of labour exploitation

19 - 21 September 2019 Struga

A multi-disciplinary training in preventing and combating trafficking in human beings with the purpose of labour exploitation took place to strengthen the skills of key actors on detection, identification and referral of potential trafficking victims for the purpose of labour exploitation. The...

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18 October 2019 Skopje

On the occasion of the European Day against Trafficking in Human Beings, the Council of Europe joined an event organised by the civil society organisation Open Gate and the National Commission for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings focused on preventing and combating trafficking in children....

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Panel discussion - improving access to compensation for victims of human trafficking and gender-based violence

4 November 2019 Skopje

In partnership with the French Embassy in North Macedonia and the Assembly’s Committee for Equal Opportunities of Women and Men, the panel discussion was organised on 4 November to increase the awareness and facilitate a dialogue on the importance of compensation for the victims of violence,...

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Call for International Experts

10 September 2019 Skopje

The Council of Europe is currently implementing and until 23 May 2022 will be implementing a Horizontal Facility (HF 29) action on Preventing and Combating Trafficking in Human Beings in North Macedonia. In that context, it is looking for Providers for the provision of consultancy services to be...

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Call for tenders

03 September 2019 Skopje

Call for tenders The Council of Europe is currently implementing and until 23 May 2022 will be implementing a Horizontal Facility (HF 29) action on Preventing and Combating Trafficking in Human Beings in North Macedonia. In that context, it is looking for Providers for the provision of...

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Final Steering Committee Meeting of anti-trafficking action held in Skopje

16 April 2019 Skopje

The final Steering Committee meeting and conference of the Horizontal Facility action “Preventing and combating trafficking in human beings” took place in Skopje on 16 April 2019. The current phase of the action, which has been implemented since October 2016 will come to an end in May 2019 and...

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Children from elementary school visited the premises of the Council of Europe Programme Office in Skopje

9 APRIL 2019 Skopje

Council of Europe Programme Office in Skopje welcomed today 9 energetic kids with their teacher from the fifth grade of the elementary school “Kuzman Josifovski – Pitu” and everyone had a lot of fun! We started by giving the young guests a tour around the office and getting to know the workplace...

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A pilot training for education professionals on detecting and preliminary identifying child victims of trafficking

2 April 2019 Skopje

On 2 April 2019, 25 educational professionals from the municipality of Centre, Skopje attended a one day pilot training on detecting and preliminary identifying child victims of trafficking for the purpose of labour exploitation. The aim of the workshop was to enhance the knowledge of the primary...

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Securing compensation for victims of human trafficking: training for judges, prosecutors and lawyers

28 March 2019 Ohrid

Thirty-four judges, prosecutors and lawyers attended a two-day training on effective financial investigations, freezing and confiscation of illegal assets as well as issues related to compensation claims of trafficking victims in Ohrid, North Macedonia on 27-28 March 2019. The training was...

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A workshop on transnational co-operation to prevent and combat human trafficking with a specific focus on labour exploitation

28 February 2019 Skopje

Thirty–eight participants attended a one day multi-disciplinary workshop to promote effective transnational co-operation and exchange of information between responsible authorities and civil society organisations in countries of origin, transit and destination of victims of trafficking in human...

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A multi-disciplinary workshop on indicators on detecting and preliminary identifying child victims of trafficking for the purpose of labour exploitation

15 February 2019 Skopje

On 15 February 2019, 28 school directors and other educational professionals from the municipality of Centre, Skopje attended a one day multi-disciplinary workshop on detecting and preliminary identifying child victims of trafficking for the purpose of labour exploitation. The aim of the workshop...

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Multi-disciplinary training on preventing and combating human trafficking for labour exploitation

24 - 25 January 2019 Mavrovo

Thirty-nine labour inspectors participated in a multi-disciplinary training on detection, identification and assistance to victims of trafficking in human beings for labour exploitation. Representatives from the National Task Force on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings and the National...

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A public lecture on trafficking in human beings for NGO representatives and law students delivered in Skopje

25 January 2019 Skopje

On 25 January 2019, twenty-two representatives of human rights NGOs and law students from several law faculties in the country attended a public lecture on preventing and combating of trafficking in human beings in the European Union Info centre in Skopje. Liliana Sorrentino, an international...

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Fifth Steering Committee meeting of the anti-trafficking action and meeting of the Focus Group of educational professionals

14 December 2018 Skopje

“The anti-trafficking action is designed to match the needs of the beneficiaries. Strengthened co-operation among key anti-trafficking stakeholders is a result from the action’s multi-disciplinary approach” stressed the Deputy National Anti – Trafficking Co-ordinator at the fifth Steering...

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Training for diplomatic and consular personnel on how to prevent and combat human trafficking

12 November 2018 Skopje

In his introductory remarks at the training for diplomatic and consular personnel on how to prevent and combat human trafficking, Mr Dusko Uzunovski, Assistant Director in the Directorate for Multilateral Relations at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, stressed that the diplomatic and consular...

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European Anti-trafficking Day: Stop Child Trafficking!

18 October 2018 Skopje

18 October 2018, Skopje – To mark the EU anti-trafficking day, the Council of Europe is organising in collaboration with the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, the first meeting of a focus group of educational professionals with the aim to raise their awareness about child trafficking for the...

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Training on preventing and combating human trafficking for the purpose of labour exploitation

26 September 2018 Struga

“The trainings on trafficking in human beings for the purpose of labour exploitation targeting labour inspectors have a strong impact: increased professional skills, deeper understanding of how to assist victims of trafficking in human beings and improved inter-institutional cooperation” – said...

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Study visit on effective combat against human trafficking for labour exploitation

06 July 2018 Helsinki

The Council of Europe in cooperation with the Finnish Regional Labour Authority organised a study visit for labour inspectors and representatives of the national referral mechanism and anti-trafficking task force to strengthen their capacities for effective prevention and combat against...

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Presentation of an expert opinion on improving the transnational referral for victims of human trafficking

22 June 2018 Skopje

Skopje, 22 June 2018 – The international consultant, Mr Madis Vainomaa (from the International Centre for Migration Policy Development - ICMPD), and the local consultant, Ms Suncica Dimitrijoska (Professor), presented an expert opinion on a possible revision of the Standard Operating Procedures...

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