San Marino
Recognition of the Roma Genocide
Recognition, official texts
San Marino does not officially recognise the Roma Genocide.
Data (camps locations, Remembrance places, measures etc.)
In San Marino, there is no accurate data on the Roma Genocide.
During the Second World War, San Marino remained neutral. Three days after the fall of Benito Mussolini in Italy, the Partito Fascista Sammarinese (PFS)’s rule collapsed and the new government declared neutrality in the conflict. The Fascists regained power on 1st April 1944 but kept neutrality intact. San Marino accepted thousands of civilian refugees when Allied forces went over the Gothic Line. In September 1944, it was briefly occupied by German forces, who were successfully attacked by Allied forces in the Battle of San Marino. Allied troops withdrew from the country shortly afterwards. Although in modern times any Jewish connection with San Marino was sporadic, the tiny republic obediently enacted racial laws, in imitation of Italy, against the dozen Jewish families who had moved there in recent years. They were repealed on the fall of Mussolini in the summer of 1943. In 1944 San Marino became a refuge for over 100 000 civilians, mostly from Italy (among them a significant number of Jews), an enormous effort to a country that at that time only had 15,000 inhabitants.
Specialised institution, commission, research centre etc., dealing with this issue
The Archivio di Stato della Repubblica di San Marino are the national archives of San Marino. They have holdings on the Second World War period. But it does not specifically deal with the Roma Genocide.
Official initiatives (campaigns, actions, projects, commemoration days, museums)
San Marino marks the International Holocaust Remembrance Day on 27th January.
No official initiative related to the Roma Genocide has been reported in San Marino.
Teaching about the Roma Genocide
Inclusion of the topic in the school curriculum
There is no information about the inclusion of the Roma Genocide in school curriculum.
Inclusion of the topic in the school textbooks
There is no information about the inclusion of the Roma Genocide in school textbooks.
Training of teachers and education professionals
There is no information regarding the training of teachers on the Roma Genocide.
Particular activities undertaken at the level of education institutions
No particular initiative related to the Roma Genocide has been reported in San Marino.