Recognition of the Roma Genocide
Recognition, official texts
Liechtenstein does not have a law that is officially recognising the Holocaust. Still the Genocide denial in general is punished.
Data (camps locations, Remembrance places, measures etc.)
There is no accurate data on Roma victims of the Holocaust in Liechtenstein.
Specialised institution, commission, research centre etc., dealing with this issue
In May 2001, the government of Liechtenstein appointed an independent Historians Commission to examine specific questions concerning Liechtenstein’s role in World War II. The central question under investigation is whether Liechtenstein helped hide and transfer stolen assets. After nearly four years of work, the Independent Commission of Historians Liechtenstein - Second World War presented its Final Report on its research concerning Liechtenstein's role in the Second World War. It focused on the role of the banks and the involvement of Lichtenstein in the deportation of Jews. Roma victims are not mentioned.
Official initiatives (campaigns, actions, projects, commemoration days, museums)
Annually on 27 January, Liechtenstein commemorates International Holocaust Remembrance Day. In 2014, Foreign Minister Aurelia Frick travelled to Auschwitz where she attended the commemoration on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of its liberation.
Teaching about the Roma Genocide
Inclusion of the topic in the school curriculum
The Holocaust is part of the history curriculum of pupils in Liechtenstein. Liechtenstein does not provide any information on whether the Roma Genocide is taught in school.
Inclusion of the topic in the school textbooks
Training of teachers and education professionals
In 2009, some teachers from Liechtenstein attended a seminar at the International School for Holocaust Studies, Yad Vashem. The seminar was mainly focused on the Jewish Holocaust.
Particular activities undertaken at the level of education institutions
Initiatives of the civil society
EEA Grants and Norway Grants support the project “Providing justice for Roma Holocaust victims” in Romania. Despite the fact that Romanian authorities have officially recognised the Roma, alongside the Jews, as victims of the Holocaust in Romania, many Roma survivors are unaware of their rights and have not received any compensation for the horrors they went through. This is one of the reasons why the Community Resource Centre Association is working to identity Roma survivors so they can receive the compensation they are entitled to. The project is funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the NGO fund in Romania. The project also includes establishing a database with an overview of Roma Holocaust victims in Romania and the creation of an archive with pictures and audio and video testimonials. The project started April 2014 and ended November 2014. It receives €31 480 from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the NGO fund in Romania.