Online Conference of high-ranking representatives

of the police services and other law-enforcement authorities

 8 - 9 June 2021, online

 Concept note - Final Programme



 The Council of Europe organised a Conference of High ranking representatives of national police services and other law enforcement authorities to discuss the role of the MEDICRIME Convention in the investigation of offences and how it fills the gaps in the criminal law with the aim of protecting public health.

 The objectives of the conference were to highlight the added value of the MEDICRIME Convention in the investigation and prosecution of offences contained in the Convention, and the importance of cooperation with judicial authorities to enable effective prosecutions and support public health authorities in intelligence sharing and technical skill provision towards effective investigations.

 It also illustrated the need for international cooperation to address a truly transnational crime impacting on individual countries. It provided an opportunity to exchange experiences on successful investigations and will share knowledge and useful contacts from the world of combating crimes involving counterfeit medical products and similar crimes, including transnational trafficking.