Network of specialised lawyers and NGOs assisting women victims of violence
The Council of Europe Network of specialised lawyers and NGOs assisting women victims of violence was created in 2024, at a meeting organised by the Council of Europe's Violence against Women Division. The Network brings together lawyers in private practice and those representing women victims through specialist support services. Its aim is to facilitate regular exchanges across lawyers from all Council of Europe member states and to serve as a knowledge-sharing platform for strategic litigation on violence against women. Through more and innovative caselaw, it will enhance implementation of the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence and the European Convention of Human Rights.
The Network is open to practicing lawyers specialised in assisting women victims of violence and those legally representing women and girls through specialist support organisations. Expressions of interest to join the Network can be submitted online soon.
Parties shall provide for the right to legal assistance and to free legal aid for victims under the conditions provided by its internal law.
Article 57
Council of Europe Convention on
preventing and combating violence against women
and domestic violence (Istanbul Convention)
Legal assistance for victims of the different forms of violence against women covered by the Istanbul Convention is enshrined as a right in Article 57
Women and girls with experiences of violence are often faced with a complex set of judicial procedures, whether these are criminal law procedures, family law procedures, or administrative procedures related to their immigration or refugee status.
Legal assistance and free legal aid are essential if victims are to assert their rights, including to compensation and redress.
The Council of Europe Network of specialised lawyers and NGOs specialised in assisting victims of violence against women
The Council of Europe Network of specialised lawyers and NGOs assisting women victims of violence:
enables the exchange of experiences, legal strategies, best practices, and information on relevant case law;
supports and encourages strategic litigation at national and European level;
facilitates specialised training and capacity-building;
allows for co-operation of lawyers in cross-border cases.
Kicking off: a Council of Europe Network of specialised lawyers and NGOs assisting women victims of violence
Today, the first ever Network of specialised Lawyers and NGOs assisting victims of violence against women was launched. The Council of Europe Violence against Women Division brought together an initial set of members of this new network for a day of knowledge sharing and networking. With lawyers...