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GREVIO publishes its report on Estonia

Today, the Council of Europe Expert Group on Action against Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (GREVIO) published its baseline evaluation report on Estonia.

The report contains a comprehensive analysis of the implementation of the provisions of the Istanbul Convention in Estonia. It acknowledges the steps taken by the country to comply with the treaty and identifies areas where progress is still needed.

In its baseline evaluation report, GREVIO highlights a number of positive legal and policy measures that have been taken by the Estonian authorities which demonstrate their clear commitment to eliminate gender-based violence against women. Important developments in this field include the introduction of new criminal offences on forms of violence covered by the convention and the establishment of sexual assault centres which provide free of charge holistic care for victims of sexual violence.

However, the baseline evaluation report identifies areas where progress is still needed and provides guidance and concrete solutions to tackle the shortcomings: despite positive developments in the area of criminal legislation, the Estonian Criminal Code still defines rape based on the use of force or the resistance of the victim; more emphasis should be placed on gendered differences in the experience of all forms of violence against women with a view to addressing their root causes; training and awareness-raising efforts should address the different forms of violence against women, including domestic violence, and be offered to all professionals (including law-enforcement officials, prosecution authorities and the judiciary); there is also a need for a stronger criminal justice response to all forms of violence against women.


 Press release

Strasbourg 17 November 2022
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