Back Call for proposal : Support to local self-governments and civil society organisations for combating hate speech

Call for proposal : Support to local self-governments and civil society organisations for combating hate speech

Within the framework of the European Union/Council of Europe Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Turkey II - action on “Promotion of diversity and equality in North Macedonia”, the Council of Europe is launching a call for grants “Support to local self-governments and/or CSOs for combating hate speech”.

The call aims to support selected grantees in developing concrete activities and responses on combating hate speech. Preference will be given to proposals which demonstrate strong collaboration and partnership between CSOs and local/municipal authorities.

The deadline for the submission of applications is 9 March 2021 (at 17:00 CET). Applications should be sent in English to the following e-mail address: [email protected].

 Call for proposals

 Application form

 Grant agreement template (for information only)

 Guidelines for using grant agreement

 Budget template

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The aim of the regional HF II programme on anti-discrimination is to bring forward the work done under actions of the HFI programs and other bilateral programs, to support the countries negotiating their access to the EU improving their record of fighting discrimination, protecting minorities, ensuring rights of LGBTI, combating hate speech, in line with COE standards - notably those from the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance, and those from the Framework Convention on National Minorities.

*This designation is without prejudice to positions on status and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ opinion on Kosovo Declaration of Independence

EU and CoE joint logo

Duration: May 2019 - December 2022

Funding: European Union and Council of Europe

Budget : 41 Million Euros (85% funded by the EU, 15% by the CoE)

Budget for the Promotion of equality and diversity in the Western Balkans : 3,7 Million Euros

Implemented by: Council of Europe

"Block the hatred"

Angela Longo, Programme Manager, Strasbourg

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