Most relevant documents of the Council of Europe concerning cultural heritage
- The European Cultural Convention (1954)
- The European Convention on the Protection of the Archaeological Heritage (ETS No. 66, London, 6 May 1969)
- The European Convention on Offences relating to Cultural Property (ETS No. 119, Delphi, 23 June 1985)
- The Convention for the Protection of the Architectural Heritage of Europe (ETS No. 121, Granada, 1985)
- The European Convention on the Protection of the Archaeological Heritage (ETS No.143, Valletta, 1992)
- The European Landscape convention (ETS No. 176, Florence 2000)
- The Framework Convention on the value of Cultural Heritage for Society (ETS No. 199, Faro, 2005)
- The Council of Europe Convention on Offences relating to Cultural Property (ETS no. 221, Nicosia, 2017)
Summits of the heads of state and government of the member states of the Council of Europe
Comittee of Ministers
- Declaration on cultural diversity (7 December 2000)
- Declaration on the protection and rebuilding of places of worship in Kosovo and the wider Balkans (18 July 2001)
Resolutions and declarations adopted at ministerial conferences of Ministers responsible for Cultural Heritage
First Conference (Brussels, 25-27 November 1969)
- Resolution no. 1 and no.2 (on the organisation of a year devoted to the preservation and rehabilitation of the cultural heritage of monuments and sites)
Second Conference (Granada, 3-4 October 1985)
- Resolution No. 1 on the implementation of the Convention for the Protection of the Architectural Heritage of Europe
- Resolution No. 2 on the promotion of the architectural heritage in sociocultural life and as a factor in the quality of life
- Resolution No. 3 on the economic impact of conservation policies
- Resolution No. 4 on the physical conservation of the architectural heritage and the need to combat pollution
- Resolution No. 5 on future programmes of European co-operation to promote the historical heritage
- Resolution No. 6
Third Conference (Valletta, 16-17 January 1992)
- Resolution No. 1 on the archaeological heritage
- Resolution No. 2 on the institutional framework for pan-European co-operation concerning the cultural heritage, open to other regions of the world
- Resolution No. 3 on the priorities of a pan-European cultural heritage project
- Resolution No. 4 on conservation in situations of conflict
- Final Resolution
Fourth Conference (Helsinki, 30-31 May 1996)
- Helsinki Declaration on the political dimension of cultural heritage conservation in Europe
- Resolution No. 1 on the cultural heritage as a factor in building Europe
- Resolution No. 2 on the cultural heritage as a factor of sustainable development
Fifth Conference (Portoroz, 6-7 April 2001)
- Resolution No. 1 on the role of cultural heritage and the challenge of globalisation
- Resolution No. 2 on the Council of Europe’s future activities in the cultural heritage field, 2002-2005
- Declaration on the role of voluntary organisations in the field of cultural heritage
- Final Declaration
Sixth Conference (Namur, 23-24 April 2015)
- Namur Declaration
Resolutions and recommendations of the Committee of Ministers
- Resolution (68) 16 on the organisation of a conference of ministers most directly responsible for the preservation and rehabilitation of groups and areas of buildings of historical or artistic interest
- Resolution (76) 28 concerning the adaptation of laws and regulations to the requirements of integrated conservation of the architectural heritage
- Resolution (66) 19 on criteria and methods of cataloguing ancient buildings and historical or artistic sites
- Resolution (72) 21 on the compilation of national inventories of monuments, groups of buildings and sites of historical or artistic interest
- Recommendation No. R (95) 3 on co-ordinating documentation methods and systems related to historic buildings and monuments of the architectural heritage
- Recommendation No. R (80) 16 on the specialised training of architects, town planners, civil engineers and landscape designers
- Recommendation No. R (98) 5 concerning heritage education
- Recommendation Rec(2001)15 on history teaching in twenty-first-century Europe
- Resolution (66) 20 on the reviving of monuments
- Resolution (68) 11 on the principles and practice of the active preservation and rehabilitation of groups and areas of buildings of historical or artistic interest
- Resolution (72) 20 on interim measures for the protection of the cultural heritage of monuments and sites
- Recommendation No. R (89) 6 on the protection and enhancement of the rural architectural heritage
- Recommendation No. R (91) 13 on the protection of the twentieth-century architectural heritage
- Recommendation No. R (96) 6 on the protection of the cultural heritage against unlawful acts
- Recommendation 1372 (1998) on the Unidroit Convention on stolen or illegally exported cultural property
- Resolution (73) 3 on rural revival policies in the balance between town and country
- Recommendation No. R (86) 11 on urban open space
- Recommendation No. R (89) 5 concerning the protection and enhancement of the archaeological heritage in the context of town and country planning operations
- Recommendation No. R (95) 9 on the integrated conservation of cultural landscape areas as part of landscape policies
- Recommendation 195 (2006) on “Reconciling heritage and modernity”
- Resolution (68) 12 on the active maintenance of monuments, groups and areas of buildings of historical or artistic interest within the context of regional planning
- Recommendation No. R (98) 4 on measures to promote the integrated conservation of historic complexes composed of immoveable and moveable property
- European Charter of the Architectural Heritage (1975)
- Recommendation 1484 (2000) on management of cathedrals and other major religious buildings in use
- Recommendation No R (2005) 13 on the governance and management of university heritage
Risk Management
- Recommendation No. R (93) 9 on the protection of the architectural heritage against natural disasters
- Recommendation No. R (97) 2 on sustained care of the cultural heritage against physical deterioration due to pollution and other similar factors
- Resolution (98) 4 on the cultural routes of the Council of Europe
- Recommendation No. R (2003) 1 on the promotion of tourism to foster the cultural heritage as a factor for sustainable development
- Recommendation 266 (2009) on the future of cultural tourism – towards a sustainable model
Immaterial heritage
- Recommendation No. R (81) 13 on action in aid of certain declining craft trades in the context of craft activity
- Recommendation No. R (86) 15 on the promotion of craft trades involved in the conservation of the architectural heritage
- Recommendation 1851 (2008) on “Crafts and cultural heritage conservation skills”
Industrial heritage
- Recommendation No. R (87) 24 on European industrial towns
- Recommendation No. R (90) 20 on the protection and conservation of the industrial, technical and civil engineering heritage in Europe
- Recommendation 1485 (2000) on disused hospitals and military buildings
- Recommendation 1486 (2000) on maritime and fluvial cultural heritage
Specific cases