Back UN Special Session of the General Assembly against Corruption 2021

UN Special Session of the General Assembly against Corruption 2021


=> Statement by GRECO President Marin Mrčela

The Special Session of the United Nations General Assembly Against Corruption (UNGASS 2021) is a unique opportunity for all of us to agree and embark together on an ambitious global anti-corruption agenda for the years to come. We should be looking ahead at emerging challenges, and the Covid-19 pandemic has taught us how unexpected and severe such challenges can turn out to be. We should also capitalise on the lessons learned.

GRECO’s monitoring experience over more than 20 years clearly confirms that certain tools are essential to curbing corruption: a multidisciplinary approach where repression and prevention go hand in hand; legislative measures that are implemented; political will; and the mobilisation and inclusion of civil society and the private sector.

GRECO’s multidisciplinary recommendations have steered and advanced the fight against corruption, in full respect of human rights and fundamental freedoms. As a result of our recommendations and follow-up, laws, even constitutions, have been changed, practices improved, and institutions set up or reformed. Through this sustained work, GRECO has gradually become a global benchmark for anti-corruption undertakings.

GRECO’s experience confirms the relevance of international follow-up in making sure that commitments are met. Peer review mechanisms, such as GRECO, generate synergies, combine knowledge and experience, and give momentum to commonly shared concerns. GRECO will keep working closely with our partner peer-review mechanisms to maximise effectiveness.

GRECO stands ready to support implementation of the UNGASS 2021 political declaration. GRECO’s own developed monitoring mechanism can serve as a role model and an efficient tool to advance anti-corruption efforts worldwide.

=> VIDEO message by GRECO President Marin Mrčela - click here

=> Live stream UNGASS 2021 - click here

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Strasbourg / New York 03/06/2021
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