Council of Europe anti-corruption experts (GRECO) has decided to place Denmark in its non-compliance procedure due to lack of sufficient measures taken to prevent corruption in respect of members of parliament and in the judiciary, according to a compliance report published today. GRECO concludes that Denmark has implemented satisfactorily only one of six recommendations issued more than four years ago.
Despite the perception of Denmark as one of the least corrupted countries in Europe, it needs concrete action in preventing and combating corruption.
GRECO recommends that Denmark establish a code of conduct, which is actually used, effectively enforced and applied amongst parliamentarians. It should be complemented by practical measures such as training and counseling.
In addition, there is still no requirement upon members of parliament to make ad hoc reporting of conflicts of interest, as and when they arise. These are key measures for the prevention of corruption in Parliament which need to be put in place without delay.
As regards the judiciary, its code of ethics still needs to be accompanied by practical guidance. This is essential to clarify the standards expected of judges including in practical situations.
GRECO considers the situation as ”globally unsatisfactory” as Denmark has not made sufficient or decisive progress in implementing GRECO’s recommendations.