The project built on the results of the project "Reinforcing the fight against violence against women and domestic violence in Kosovo* (phase II)" implemented in 2019-2021.


About the project

Kosovo* as of on 25 September 2020 has adopted an amendment to the Constitution that gives direct effect to Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence (Istanbul Convention). In this context, supporting local authorities on implementation of the Istanbul Convention standards is of utmost importance.This Council of Europe project aimed at defining a concrete roadmap for strengthening Kosovo’s* legal an policy frameworks in co-operation with the Council of Europe Group of Experts on Action against Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (GREVIO) as well as building institutional capacities to prevent and counter violence against women and domestic violence in line with the standards of the Istanbul Convention.

Expected outcomes

  • Access to Justice for victims of VAW and DV is enhanced;
  • Kosovo*authorities design legal and policy frameworks in line with international and CoE requirements in the area of VAW and DV;
  • Victims of VAW and DV receive quality support by trained staff and an increased number of perpetrators are held accountable and rehabilitated;
  • Legal professionals dealing with cases have a better understanding of victim-centered gender-sensitive approaches to VAW and DV and enhanced skills to deal with these cases;
  • An inclusive expert evaluation and participatory process is implemented in line with international and CoE standards;
  • NGOs and other relevant stakeholders are more capable to conduct prevention campaigns dealing with VAW and DV;
  • The Division on social services and welfare of the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare applies quality guidelines including training for centers for social work;
  • Local support services are equipped with knowledge and skills to establish and run perpetrators programmes.
project pubications and translations
  • Publications

 Roundtable report “The digital dimension of violence against women: Recognising and combating the phenomenon” -  ENG / ALB / SRB

 Report "Assessment of the alignment of Kosovo*'s laws, policies and other measures with the standards of the Istanbul Convention" - ENG / ALB / SRB

 Curriculum for the training of professionals working on programmes for perpetrators of domestic violence -  ENG / ALB / SRB

 Implementing perpetrator programmes in Kosovo* - Policy brief -  ENG / ALB / SRB

 Guidelines and toolkit "Monitoring and evaluation of mechanisms and legislation in the field of violence against women and domestic violence" -  ENG / ALB / SRB

 Needs assessment report "Quality guidelines for centres for social work in support of victims of violence against women and domestic violence" -  ENG / ALB / SRB


Back New Pristina roundtable report “The digital dimension of violence against women: Recognising and combating the phenomenon”

New Pristina roundtable report “The digital dimension of violence against women: Recognising and combating the phenomenon”

The Council of Europe project “Reinforcing the fight against violence against women and domestic violence in Kosovo* - phase III” published this roundtable report which summarizes speeches, findings and recommendations generated in the hybrid roundtable which was organised jointly with the Embassy of Italy in Pristina.


This report aims to expand the discussion on this alarming phenomenon, raise awareness and initiate the dialogue among stakeholders into taking action in providing a holistic response to digital violence against women.  


 Link to the report: ENG ALB | SRB


* All reference to Kosovo, whether to the territory, institutions or population, shall be understood in full compliance with United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 and without prejudice to the status of Kosovo.


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Project partners
  • National Coordinator on Domestic Violence
  • Kosovo Justice Academy
  • Agency for Gender Equality
  • Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare

This project was implemented by the Council of Europe and co-funded by Ireland, Norway and the Council of Europe.


1 July 2021 – 28 February 2023


The project was implemented by

the Capacity Building and Co-operation Projects Unit at the Council of Europe's Gender Equality Division

Marta BECERRA, Head of Unit, Project Manager 

together with

the Council of Europe office in Pristina

* All reference to Kosovo, whether to the territory, institutions or population, shall be understood in full compliance with United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 and without prejudice to the status of Kosovo.