Back Council of Europe Sexism : See it. Name it. Stop it. Campaign launched in Croatia

Council of Europe Sexism : See it. Name it. Stop it.  Campaign launched in Croatia

The Office for Gender Equality of the Government of the Republic of Croatia marked International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women on 22 November 2019 by promoting the Croatian version of the Council of Europe webpage on preventing and combating sexism and the Croatian version of the Council of Europe Recommendation CM/Rec (2019)1 on Preventing and Combating Sexism. The Recommendation was presented by the Director of the Office, together with the President of the Equality in Sport Commission and the Vice-President of the Croatian Olympic Committee, a representative of the scientific community and a representative of the non-governmental sector. Parliamentarians, representatives from ministries, civil society, academia and the media also attended the event.

On this occasion, it was emphasized that Council of Europe member states are requested to take measures to prevent and combat sexism, based on the provisions of this Recommendation, to monitor progress in its implementation and to report to the Council Europe on the progress achieved. The Croatian version of the #StopSexism webpage was presented and the Council of Europe video on combating sexism was shown. Both were very much welcomed by participants.

Strasbourg 9/12/2019
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