Back Civil society communication and advocacy campaigns on the Istanbul Convention in the Czech Republic, Latvia and Poland

Civil society communication and advocacy campaigns on the Istanbul Convention in the Czech Republic, Latvia and Poland

On 26 May, the Council of Europe in cooperation with Women Against Violence Europe (WAVE) and UN Women organised an on-line event to launch the communication and advocacy campaigns on the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence (Istanbul Convention) to be run by the three awarded civil society organisations (CSOs) from the Czech Republic, Latvia and Poland:

The kick off event provided the opportunity to exchange with the selected CSOs and partners and to provide detailed information on the methodology and the toolkit for campaigning developed jointly by Council of Europe, Women Against Violence Europe (WAVE) and UN Women.

During the next six months, the three CSOs will pilot this methodology to raise awareness about the objectives and benefits of the Istanbul Convention and to dispel myths and misinformation about it.

A series of supporting activities will be organised to support CSOs in running their campaigns and to strengthen their communication capacities.

Strasbourg 26/05/2021
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