Back Selected NGO projects on communication and advocacy campaigns on the Istanbul Convention in the Czech Republic, Latvia and Poland

Photo : ©Shutterstock - A Katz

Photo : ©Shutterstock - A Katz

Three civil society organisations (CSOs) were selected under the Call for proposals – CSO grants on communication and advocacy campaigns on the Istanbul Convention in the Czech Republic, Latvia, or Poland - to promote the values, aims and provisions of the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence (Istanbul Convention) and dispelling myths and misinformation about it:

These projects are designed to adapt and pilot an awareness-raising methodology jointly developed by Council of Europe, Women Against Violence Europe (WAVE) and UN Women.

On 26 May 2021 the projects will be launched at an online event where selected CSOs, Council of Europe, Women Against Violence Europe (WAVE) and UN Women will be able to exchange about how to best implement the campaigning methodology and its tools and how the institutional partners can support the national campaigns.  

Strasbourg 10/05/2021
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