Back Training on administrative inquiries technics, 16-17 October 2014 in Rabat (Morocco)

Training on administrative inquiries technics, 16-17 October 2014 in Rabat (Morocco)

In the framework of the implementation of the workplan activities, the Council of Europe held in Rabbat (Morocco) on 16 and 17 October 2014 a training seminar addressed to staff members of the Moroccan oversight bodies dedicated to share good practices and technics on administrative inquiriries. This training seminar was organised in cooperation with the Moroccan Anti-corruption Agency which is expected to receive such competence as set-up by the 2011 constitution and the draft law establishing the new Anti-corruption Agency "l'Instance nationale de Probité, de Prévention et de la Lutte contre la Corruption.

The 40 participants contributed to this training seminar were appointed by Inspection générale des finances (IGF), Inspection générale de l'administration territoriale (IGAT), Collège des Inspecteurs généraux des Ministères, Court of Auditors, Services of the Moroccan Ombudmann and ICPC. They could interact with Prof. Dr. Urs Saxer LL.M. from Switzerland; Mr Jean-Baptiste Carpentier, Inspection générale des finances from France; Mr Giuseppe Abbatino/Ms Irene Lincesso , Autorité nationale anti-corruption from Italy and Mr Yves Moiny, Prosecutor from Belgium.
The Seminar which took place at Tour Hassan was opened by Mr Khalid Laraichi, General Secretary of ICPC; Mr Mohamed Benjelloun, Chair of the Collège des Inspecteurs Généraux des Ministères and Mr Igor Nebyvaev, Administrator, Economic Crime Cooperation Unit, Council of Europe. 

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Rabat (Morocco) 17 October 2014
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