Recommendations elaborated under the authority of the CDPC
- Recommendation CM/Rec(2023)2 on rights, services and support for victims of crime
- Recommendation CM/Rec(2022)9 on the protection of witnesses and collaborators of justice
- Recommendation CM/Rec(2018)8 concerning restorative justice in criminal matters
- Recommendation CM/Rec(2014)3 concerning dangerous offenders
- Recommendation CM/Rec(2014)4 concerning electronic monitoring (commentary)
- Recommendation CM/Rec(2012)12 concerning foreign prisoners
- Recommendation CM/Rec(2012)5 on the European Code of Ethics for Prison Staff
- Recommendation CM/Rec(2010)1 on the Council of Europe Probation Rules
- Recommendation Rec(2008)11 on the European Rules for juvenile offenders subject to sanctions or measures
- Recommendation Rec(2006)13 on remand in custody, the conditions in which it takes place and the provision of safeguards against abuse
- Recommendation Rec(2006)8 on assistance to crime victims
- Recommendation Rec(2006)2 on the European Prison Rules (commentary)
- Recommendation Rec(2003)23 on the management by prison administrations of life sentence and other long-term prisoners (report)
- Recommendation Rec(2003)22 on conditional release (parole) (explanatory memorandum)
- Recommendation Rec. R (2003) 21 on partnership in crime prevention
- Recommendation Rec(2003)20 on new ways of dealing with juvenile delinquency and the role of juvenile justice
- Recommendation Rec(2003)4 on common rules against corruption in the funding of political parties and electoral campaigns
- Recommendation Rec(2001)16 on the protection of children against sexual exploitation
- Recommendation Rec(2001)11 concerning guiding principles on the fight against organised crime
- Recommendation Rec(2001)10 on the European Code of Police Ethics
- Recommenadation Rec (2001) 8 on self-regulation concerning cyber content (self-regulation and user protection against illegal or harmful content on new communications and information services)
- Recommendation Rec (2000) 22 on improving the implementation of the European Rules on community sanctions and measures
- Recommendation Rec(2000)20 on the role of early psychosocial intervention in the prevention of criminality
- Recommendation Rec (2000) 19 on the role of public prosecution in the criminal justice system
- Recommendation Rec. R (2000) 11 on action against trafficking in human beings for the purpose of sexual exploitation
- Recommendation Rec. R (2000) 10 on codes of conduct for public officials, and Model Code of conduct for public officials
- Recommendation Rec. R (99) 22 concerning prison overcrowding and prison population inflation
- Recommendation Rec. R (99) 20 concerning the friendly settlement of any difficulty that may arise out of the application of the Council of Europe conventions in the penal field
- Recommendation Rec. R (99) 19 concerning mediation in penal matters
- Recommendation Rec. R (98) 7 concerning the ethical and organisational aspects of health care in prison
- Resolution (97) 24 on the twenty Guiding Principles for the fight against corruption
- Recommendation Rec. R (97) 13 concerning intimidation of witnesses and the rights of the defence
- Recommendation Rec. R (97) 12 on staff concerned with the implementation of sanctions and measures
- Recommendation Rec. R (96) 9 concerning the practical application of the European Convention on Extradition
- Recommendation Rec. R (96) 8 concerning crime policy in Europe in a time of change
- Recommendation Rec. R (95) 13 concerning problems of criminal procedural law connected with information technology
- Recommendation Rec. R (95) 12 on the management of criminal justice
- Recommendation Rec. R (93) 6 concerning prison and criminological aspects of the control of transmissible diseases including aids and related health problems in prison
- Recommendation Rec. R (92) 19 on video games with a racist content
- Recommendation Rec. R (92) 18 concerning the practical application of the Convention on the transfer of sentenced persons
- Recommendation Rec. R (92) 17 concerning consistency in sentencing
- Recommendation Rec. R (92) 16 on the European Rules on community sanctions and measures
- Recommendation Rec. R (92) 1 on the use of analysis of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) within the framework of the criminal justice system
- Recommendation Rec. R (91) 12 concerning the setting up and functioning of arbitral tribunals under article 42, paragraph 2, of the Convention of 8 November 1990 on laundering, search, seizure and confiscation of the proceeds from crime
- Recommendation Rec. R (91) 11 concerning sexual exploitation, pornography and prostitution of, and trafficking in, children and young adults
- Recommendation Rec. R (91) 1 on administrative sanctions
- Recommendation Rec. R (89) 12 on education in prison
- Recommendation Rec. R (89) 9 on computer-related crime
- Recommendation Rec. R (88) 18 concerning liability of enterprises having legal personality for offences committed in the exercise of their activities
- Recommendation Rec. R (88) 13 concerning the practical application of the Convention on the transfer of sentenced persons
- Recommendation Rec. R (88) 6 on social reactions to juvenile delinquency among young people coming from migrant families
- Recommendation Rec. R (87) 21 on assistance to victims and the prevention of victimisation
- Recommendation Rec. R (87) 20 on social reactions to juvenile delinquency
- Recommendation Rec. R (87) 19 on the organisation of crime prevention
- Recommendation Rec. R (87) 18 concerning the simplification of criminal justice
- Recommendation Rec. R (87) 15 on regulating the use of personal data in the police sector
- Recommendation Rec. R (87) 3 on the European prison Rules
- Recommendation Rec. R (87) 1 relating to European inter-state cooperation in the penal field
- Recommendation Rec. R (86) 13 on the practical application of the European Convention on Extradition in respect of detention pending extradition
- Recommendation Rec. R (85) 11 on the victim's position in the framework of criminal law and procedure
- Recommendation Rec. R (85) 10 concerning letters rogatory for the interception of telecommunications
- Recommendation Rec. R (85) 4 on violence in the family
- Recommendation Rec. R (84) 23 on the harmonisation of national legislations relating to firearms
- Recommendation Rec. R (84) 12 concerning foreign prisoners
- Recommendation Rec. R (84) 11 concerning information about the Convention on the Transfer of Sentenced Persons
- Recommendation Rec. R (84) 10 on the criminal record and the rehabilitation of convicted persons
- Recommendation Rec. R (83) 12 concerning safe conduct for witnesses in application of Article 12.1 of the European Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters
- Recommendation Rec. R (83) 7 on participation of the public in crime policy
- Recommendation Rec. R (82) 17 on the custody and treatment of dangerous prisoners
- Recommendation Rec. R (82) 16 on prison leave
- Recommendation Rec. R (82) 15 on the role of criminal law in consumer protection
- Recommendation Rec. R (82) 14 on measure to be taken in cases of kidnapping followed by a ransom demand
- Recommendation Rec. R (82) 1 concerning international co-operation in the prosecution and punishment of acts of terrorism
- Recommendation Rec. R (81) 12 on economic crime
- Recommendation Rec. R (80) 11 concerning custody pending trial
- Recommendation Rec. R (80) 10 on measures against the transfer and the safe-keeping of funds of criminal origin
- Recommendation Rec. R (80) 9 concerning extradition to States not party to the European Convention on Human Rights
- Recommendation Rec. R (80) 8 concerning the practical application of the European Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters
- Recommendation Rec. R (80) 7 concerning the practical application of the European Convention on Extradition
- Recommendation Rec. R (79) 15 concerning the application of the European Convention on the Punishment of Road Traffic Offences
- Recommendation Rec. R (79) 14 concerning the application of the European Convention on the Supervision of Conditionally Sentenced or Conditionally Released Offenders
- Recommendation Rec. R (79) 13 concerning the application of the European Convention on the International Validity of Criminal Judgments
- Recommendation Rec. R (79) 12 concerning the application of the European Convention on the Transfer of Proceedings in Criminal Matters
- Resolution (78) 62 on juvenile delinquency and social change
- Resolution (78) 43 on reservations made to certain provisions of the European Convention on Extradition
- Resolution (78) 42 on the prevention of the unauthorised use of a motor vehicle
- Resolution (77) 36 on the practical application of the European Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters
- Resolution (77) 29 on hit-and-run offences
- Resolution (77) 28 on the contribution of criminal law to the protection of the environment
- Resolution (77) 27 on the compensation of victims of crime
- Resolution (76) 38 on research on drug abuse
- Resolution (76) 10 on certain alternative penal measures to imprisonment
- Resolution (76) 2 on the treatment of long-term prisoners
- Resolution (75) 25 on prison labour
- Resolution (75) 24 on the punishment of manslaughter and accidental injury on the road
- Resolution (75) 12 on the practical application of the European Convention on Extradition
- Resolution (75) 11 on the criteria governing proceedings held in the absence of the accused
- Resolution (75) 3 on the legal and administrative aspects of criminality among migrant workers
- Resolution (74) 3 on international terrorism
- Resolution (73) 25 on methods of forecasting trends in criminality
- Resolution (73) 24 on group and community work with the offenders
- Resolution (73) 17 on short-term treatment of adult offenders
- Resolution (73) 7 on punishment of road traffic offences committed whilst driving a vehicle under the influence of alcohol
- Resolution (73) 6 on penal aspects of drug abuse
- Resolution (73) 5 on the standard minimum Rules for the treatment of prisoners
- Resolution (71) 43 on the practical application of the European Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters
- Resolution (71) 28 on the deprivation of the right to drive a motor vehicle
- Resolution (70) 51 on the protection of members of diplomatic missions and consular posts
- Resolution (70) 23 on air piracy
- Resolution (70) 13 on hidden criminality
- Resolution (70) 1 on the practical organisation of measures for the supervision and after-care of conditionally sentenced or conditionally released offenders
- Resolution (69) 6 on the cinema and the protection of youth
- Resolution (68) 30 on measures to be taken against incitement to racial, national and religious hatred
- Resolution (68) 25 on the setting up of a simplified procedure relating to minor road traffic offences
- Resolution (68) 24 on the status, selection and training of governing grades of staff of penal establishments
- Resolution (67) 13 on the press and the protection of youth
- Resolution (67) 5 on research on prisoners considered from the individual angle and on the prison community
- Resolution (66) 26 on status, recruitment and training of prison staff
- Resolution (66) 25 on the short-term treatment of young offenders of less than 21 years
- Resolution (66) 18 on collaboration in criminological research
- Resolution (65) 11 on remand in custody
- Resolution (65) 1 on suspended sentence, probation and other alternatives to imprisonment
- Resolution (62) 2 on electoral, civil and social rights of prisoners
Key information and documentation
The Nicosia Convention in 10 questions and answers
Studies in criminological research