The Autobiography of Intercultural Encounters project is related to the work of the Education Department which is part of the Directorate of Democratic Participation within the Directorate General of Democracy and Human Dignity ("DGII") of the Council of Europe.
The Autobiography is a resource designed to encourage people to think about and learn from intercultural encounters they have had either face to face or through visual media such as television, magazines, films, the Internet, etc.
There are therefore two separate but parallel tools:
Autobiography of Intercultural Encounters (AIE) is also available in French, Italian, Polish, Spanish and Russian.
Images of Others: An Autobiography of Intercultural Encounters through Visual Media (AIEVM) is available in English and French.
The Autobiography of Intercultural Encounters (AIE) and Images of Others: An Autobiography of Intercultural Encounters through Visual Media (AIEVM) come in two versions:
- a Standard Version - for use by older learners and adults
- a Version for Younger Learners - for use by children who need help from an adult in reading and writing and in thinking back over their encounter.
The focus is on intercultural encounters that have made a strong impression or had a long-lasting effect on the people who use the AIE or AIEVM. In discovering what underlies these encounters, users become more aware of their experience and reflect on their reactions, thereby developing their intercultural competences.
Online self-study course for educators
A self-study online course is also available for educators and youth workers who would like guidance in working with the Autobiography of Intercultural Encounters.
The course contains activities based on the key concepts and theory underpinning the Autobiography of Intercultural Encounters to help teachers, teacher trainers and youth workers explore the potential of this pedagogical tool for learning through reflection on personal intercultural experiences.