The Digital Development Unit of the Information Society Department organises a series of webinars on the impact of digital technologies on human rights, democracy and the rule of law, in support of initiatives by Council of Europe sectors. These webinars are an opportunity for experts from different backgrounds to meet and discuss issues related to the digital transformation of society.

The Digital Development Unit of the Information Society Department is also recording a series of webinars (Digital Development Online Events) highlighting Council of Europe initiatives addressing challenges resulting from the digitalisation of people’s lives. These webinars are an opportunity for interested audiences from different fields of expertise to meet and discuss opportunities and risks emerging from the digital transformation of societies, and in particular the impact on human rights, democracy and the rule of law.

The AI&Law series, co-organised by the Council of Europe and the University of Strasbourg (UMR DRES), are regular meetings open to a wide public, public decision-makers, officials from international organisations and national administrations and academics, whose aim is to measure the stakes of subjects at the frontiers of digital techniques and the practice of law.


Digital Development Online events

List of previous AI&Law webinars

Towards an application of AI based on human rights, the rule of law and democracy