In the framework of the Civil Protection mechanism reform currently implemented in Greece, the General Secretariat for Civil Protection (GSCP) envisages to create an intergraded emergency sheltering service to citizens affected by natural disasters. The Centre of Expertise for Good Governance of the Council of Europe (CoE) shall provide policy advice and capacity-building assistance on this priority area.

Greece faces natural disasters such as earthquakes and induced phenomena like landslides and tsunamis, floods, forest fires, which in some cases are devastating and affect a great number of people. Clear competences to organise and manage emergency response must be in place to deliver service nation-wide, as all parts of Greece can potentially suffer from a wide range of natural disasters.


Main activities

To support the objective of improving the allocation and execution of competences to provide emergency sheltering to victims of natural disasters under this EU-CoE funded project, the Centre of Expertise will organise a peer review where colleagues from other European governments will offer information, exchange experience and best practices and provide friendly advice to the Greek government. These discussions will lead to a broader understanding of the issue at stake and contribute to the development of a pertinent framework by the GSCP reflecting CoE standards, European good practices and the specificities of the Greek context.

The peer review and expert analysis will feed into a policy advice to the GSCP regarding the most efficient design of the service.

In parallel with the peer review process, the Centre of Expertise will conduct a technical and economic study for the planning and organisation of emergency shelters. The study will take into account demographic and geographical data, the structure of local government and international standards.

Building on the outcomes of the peer review activity and the policy advice, the CoE will strengthen the capacity of all authorities involved in the provision of the emergency sheltering service. The main goal is to support Greek authorities in the development and implementation of an action plan to set up the emergency sheltering service and a detailed operational protocol.

The Centre of Expertise is cooperating closely on this project component with EUR-OPA Major Hazards Agreement, CoE’s platform for co-operation in the field of major natural and technological disasters.
