The Project is Funded by the Kingdom of Denmark Through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

  • Provision of legal expertise on identified topics related to criminal justice;
  • Development of guidelines and relevant internal acts of the Chief Prosecutor’s Office for dismissal of a case, for request of pre-trial measures , for plea-bargaining, etc.;
  • Series of workshops/training for judges, prosecutors and lawyers;
  • Conferences to share best practices;
  • Roundtable discussions for the members of the Constitutional Reform Commission;
  • Creation of a Thesaurus of terms for tagging and searching judgements of the Supreme Court of based on the concrete needs of Georgian judiciary;
  • Study visits to European countries with the aim to exchange experience;
  • Training sessions/peer discussion for the HCoJ/Monitoring Council and Disciplinary Committee;
  • Translation and publication of relevant CoE recommendations and other standard-setting documents on judiciary.