Retour Training of Trainers on Effective Review of Cybercrimes

Training of Trainers on Effective Review of Cybercrimes

As a part of cooperation between the EU/CoE Joint Project “Protecting Internet Freedom through Legislation and Arrangements for Multi-stakeholder Dialogue” and voluntary contribution funded project “Strengthening the Capacity of the High School of Justice of Georgia” the Council of Europe (CoE) in partnership with the High School of Justice of Georgia is organizing two day Training of Trainers (ToT) on Effective review of Cybercrimes.

During the training of trainers the CoE experts will review both the national and international legislation including the Budapest convention on cybercrimes and the relevant national normative acts. The main principles and standards set by the leading ECHR cases will be discussed as well. The ToT is a follow-up of the module-scoping exercise the CoE supported by involving cybercrime expert and four Georgian judge-trainers. The Training of Trainers will later be followed by the Pilot training, also observed and evaluated by the CoE expert. This learning cycle will enable the School to further carry-out the in-service trainings on the cybercrimes by already trained Georgian judges.

The event is financed within the framework of CoE/EU Joint Project:  “Protecting internet freedom through legislation and arrangements for multi-stakeholders dialogue” and by voluntary contributions of Bulgaria, Liechtenstein, Norway, Slovakia and Sweden to support the implementation of the Council of Europe Action plan for Georgia 2016-2019.

25-26 February 2017
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