Back European Union and Council of Europe regional campaign: Block the hatred. Share the love! takes ahead

European Union and Council of Europe regional campaign: Block the hatred. Share the love! takes ahead

Since its official launch in mid-December, the regional no-hate speech campaign has continued to reach out wide audiences across the Western Balkans region. The campaign’s FacebookTwitter and Instagram profiles are being increasingly visited by number of people on a daily basis.

Meglena Kuneva, EU Ambassador to the Council of Europe and Verena Taylor, Director of the Office of Council of Europe Directorate General of Programmes have raised their voices in fight against hate speech in campaign’s latest video, launched today. The video aims to provide further details to the followers of the regional campaign about its background, scope and importance of staying engaged and united against hate speech.

The video also aims to introduce the followers with the main tools of the regional campaign, including its website, which contains a number of resources for civil society activists, human rights advocates and citizens, translated in various national languages. Towards the end of the video, the followers will be able to see a glimpse of our no-hate speech ambassadors, prominent public figures from the region, which will be soon presented to the public and take an active part in the regional campaign.

 Watch the campaing launching videos in English, Albanian, Bosnian, Macedonian or Serbian

The campaign is implemented within the action on “Promotion of diversity and equality in the Western Balkans”, that is a part of the joint European Union/Council of Europe programme “Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Turkey 2019-2022”, implemented by the Anti-Discrimination Department of the Council of Europe.


 Block the hatred. Share the love. campaign video







 Block the hatred. Share the love. campaign video (short version)







Western Balkans 29 April 2021
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