The action “Strengthening accountability of the judicial system and enhancing protection of victims' rights in Montenegro” is designed to help Montenegro improve its legal system by making sure that judicial professionals are accountable, professional and independent, and by ensuring that victims' rights are protected according to European standards.

This action is implemented within the joint programme of the European Union and the Council of Europe “Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Türkiye” running from 2023 until 2026.

What is the goal and objective of the action?

The main objective of the action is to support the authorities of Montenegro to enhance the accountability and professionalism of the judicial system and judicial independence as well as to fully align domestic legal and institutional framework and practice on victims’ rights with the EU and the standards of the European Court of Human Rights.

Who benefits from the action?

  1. Victims of crime, who will be better protected, and their rights will be better respected.
  2. Judiciary of Montenegro, that will benefit from the judicial system which operates more efficiently, effectively, and fairly
  3. Society of Montenegro, that will benefit from more efficient and effective judicial system, which will contribute to strengthening the rule of law, promoting stability, and supporting economic development.

How does the action work?

The action focuses on two aspects of justice: accountability and protection of victims' rights.

It includes:

  • assessments, training sessions, and development of guidelines to ensure the accountability of judges and prosecutors and protection of victims' rights;
  • the activities include developing the National Strategy for Victim's Protection, establishing Victim Support Services, and capacity-building for relevant actors to better inform victims about their right;
  • regular meetings among actors involved in victim's rights protection;
  • awareness-raising activities

The action builds on the results of co-operation under previous two phases of the Horizontal Facility programme.

What do we expect to achieve?

  • reformed policy framework for judicial accountability and professionalism;
  • implementation of the new financial and administrative management procedures and communication policies for legal professionals;
  • strengthened capacity to reach settlements through Alternative Dispute Resolution;
  • enhanced legislative and institutional framework for the effective protection of victims' rights;
  • reinforced co-ordination among institutions dealing with victims' rights and improved judicial practice in that contex;
  • raised awareness of victims, including vulnerable groups, about their rights and how to claim them

What is the budget of the action?

The total budget of the action is 1 600 000 EUR.

The budget allocated to the overall Horizontal Facility programme amounts to ca. 41 million EUR (85% funded by the European Union, 15% by the Council of Europe).

How to get more information?

About Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Türkiye

The “Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Türkiye” is a joint initiative of the European Union and the Council of Europe that enables the Western Balkans Beneficiaries and Türkiye to meet their reform agendas in the fields of human rights, rule of law and democracy and to comply with the European standards, which is also a priority for the EU enlargement process.











  Horizontal Facility Team