Back Supporting cadaster offices to improve legal information and services delivered to Albanian citizens

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© Council of Europe

In the context of the EU and Council of Europe joint action ”Supporting enforcement of judicial decisions and facilitating execution of ECtHR judgments in Albania (D-REX)”, Head of the Council of Europe Office in Tirana, Jutta Gützkow and the action’s team paid visits to the regional cadaster offices in Fieri, Vlora and Saranda. Fruitful exchanges with respective regional directors focused on the challenges they are facing in implementing the law 20/2020 on the finalisation of transitional ownership processes and follow up cooperation with the Action.


In her remarks, Ms Gützkow underlined the D-REX’s support to the functioning of a dedicated Helpline to inform citizens and especially women property owners with legal advice and information. She welcomed opportunities for cooperation and continuous support to cadaster regional offices in meeting a growing demand from citizens, emphasising that better informed citizens will contribute to effective implementation of the legislation.


Since May 2019, the State’s Cadastre Agency is in the focus of D-REX’s assistance along with key other agencies dealing with property rights such as the Agency for Treatment of Property, the State’s Advocate, and the courts. In this context, the State’s Cadastre Agency is supported, inter alia, with the drafting and disseminating of a commentary on the law 20/2020 on the general provisions, agricultural land tittles, judicial and administrative complaint mechanisms established in the law.


D-REX Action is part of the EU and Council of Europe “Horizontal Facility II” programme that helps Beneficiaries from Western Balkans and Turkey to align their practice with Council of Europe and European Union standards in the enlargement process, where applicable.

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