Landscape quality is good for health: experts meet to finalise a new report and propose recommendations based on the Council of Europe Landscape Convention

9 September 2024 ONLINE

On 9 September 2024, the Secretariat of the Council of Europe Landscape Convention organised an online working group meeting of experts to review the preliminary draft Recommendation and the draft report on Landscape and Health. The draft Committee of Ministers (CM) Recommendation and the...

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The Council of Europe Landscape Convention relaunched following the 4th Summit of Heads of State and Government of the Council of Europe

02 January 2024 Strasbourg, France

At the 4th Council of Europe Summit (Reykjavík, 16-17 May 2023), the Heads of State and Government, in their final declaration - the Reykjavík Declaration - United around our values - affirmed that human rights and the environment are intertwined and that a clean, healthy and sustainable...

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8th Session Landscape Award of the Council of Europe - meeting of the International Jury: Strasbourg, 14-15 May 2024

15 May 2024 Strasbourg, France

The International Jury set up for the 8th Session of the Council of Europe Landscape Award met in Strasbourg, at the Palais de l'Europe, on 14 and 15 May 2024. The Jury was made up of a representative of the Council of Europe's Steering Committee for Culture, Heritage and Landscape (CDCPP), a...

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12th Conference on the Council of Europe Landscape Convention: Strasbourg, 29-30 October 2024

08 March 2024 Strasbourg, France

In the light of the priorities established by the Heads of State and Government of the Council of Europe at their 4th Summit, held in Reykjavík on 16 and 17 May 2023, the 12th Conference on the Convention will enable the representatives of the States Parties to strengthen their co-operation in...

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"Message from Strasbourg”: Landscape and health

Sixth International Landscape Day of the Council of Europe, 20 October 2022

20 October 2022

The “Message from Strasbourg”: Landscape and health, invites the competent public authorities and territorial actors to consider: the importance of the landscape at global level as an essential component of human being’s surroundings. Preamble of the Council of Europe Landscape Convention (ETS...

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Landscape education activities for primary schools: Pedagogical booklet

15 June 2022 Strasbourg, France

The Council of Europe Landscape Convention provides that its Parties undertake to promote school education addressing, in the relevant subject areas, the values attached to the landscape and the issues raised by its protection, management and planning. Intended for primary school teachers, the...

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Presentation of the pedagogical booklet Landscape education activities for primary schools, in Armenian

National Conference on the implementation of the Council of Europe Landscape Convention in Armenia "Landscape Convention for kids"

8-10 June 2022 Yerevan, Republic of Armenia

The National Conference on the implementation of the Council of Europe Landscape Convention in Armenia “Landscape Convention for kids – Presentation of the pedagogical booklet Landscape education activities for primary schools (Armenian version), and training”, is organised on 8-10 June 2022 by...

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Forum of the National Selections of the 7th Session of the Council of Europe Landscape Award

26th Council of Europe Meeting of the Workshops for the implementation of the European Landscape Convention

28-29 April 2022 Bergamo, Italy

The Forum of the National Selections of the 7th Session of the Landscape Award of the Council of Europe was organised in Bergamo, Italy, on 28-29 April 2022, by the Council of Europe – Secretariat of the Convention, Directorate of Democratic Participation – in co-operation with the Ministry of...

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National Symposium on the implementation of the Council of Europe Convention in Greece and Forum of the National Selections of the 6th Session of the Landscape Award of the Council of Europe

6-8 April 2022 Trikala, Greece

The National Symposium on the implementation of the Council of Europe Landscape Convention in Greece and Forum of the National Selections of the 6th Session of the Landscape Award of the Council of Europe, are organised in Trikala from 6 to 8 April 2022 by the Council of Europe – Secretariat of...

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20 October 2021: Fifth International Landscape Day of the Council of Europe

20 October 2021

The “Message from Palma de Mallorca”, on the theme of the 25th Council of Europe Meeting of the Workshops for the implementation of the Council of Europe Landscape Convention “Landscape policies! Strategies, action plans and policy documents for landscape quality” (Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 6-8...

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