HUDOC (HUman rights DOCumentation) is a database set up by the European Court of Human Rights to give public access to the Court's case law and to legal and information documents.

The Group of Experts on Action to Combat Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (GREVIO), like other Council of Europe entities, wanted to give more visibility to its work and to make key documents available to a large public to help them in their research.

At present, the HUDOC-GREVIO database provides access to :

  • Baseline evaluation reports,
  • Comments submitted by Governments,
  • Recommendations by the Committee of the Parties,
  • and GREVIO General Activity Reports.

It is also accessible via the HUDOC website of the Court.

In relation to evaluation reports, an advanced search can be launched through filters and/or keywords.

Filters allow to search by State/Region, working language (English or French), evaluation cycle, date of adoption and date of publication of documents and article number.

Keywords have been categorised by provisions, forms of violence, target groups and proposals.