Back Strengthening counter-terrorism framework

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The joint EU/Council of Europe Project against Economic Crime (PECK II) carried out a review of the counter-terrorism provisions in the Kosovo Criminal Code and their conformity with European and international standards. The review focused on the Council of Europe Convention on the Prevention of Terrorism including its annex and Protocol as well as the EU Directive 2017/541 on Combating Terrorism.

The legal review was also discussed in a sub-working group meeting held on 24 November 2017 bringing together practitioners from EULEX, U.S. Embassy, office of the EU Special Representative, Council of Europe/PECK II Project and local judges and prosecutors.

Proposed amendments to the Criminal Code are expected to be finalised and submitted to the Ministry of Justice via a set of specific recommendations aiming to align counter-terrorism provisions in the Criminal Code with relevant European and international standards.

Pristina, Kosovo* 1 December 2017
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*This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ opinion on the Kosovo Declaration of Independence.


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