Back Foreign Minister of Bosnia and Herzegovina pays a visit to the Congress secretariat

Foreign Minister of Bosnia and Herzegovina pays a visit to the Congress secretariat

Possibilities of co-operation in 2018 between the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe and Sarajevo where discussed at a meeting between the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Igor CRNADAK, and Congress Secretary General Andreas KIEFER. A regional conference on European integration and the role of local and regional authorities, to be held in spring in Bosnia and Herzegovina, were among the topics discussed which included also the possible observation of regional elections for the House of Peoples of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina in autumn 2018. In addition, the Secretary General up-dated the Minister on Congress’ activities in progress with regard to the situation of the city of Mostar where no local elections have been organised since almost ten years. In conclusion, there was an exchange on the next regular Congress’ monitoring mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina, in order to sound out the current situation of grassroots’ democracy in the country and ways to strengthen the implementation of the European Charter of Local Self-Government.

Secretary General Strasbourg, France 13 December 2017
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The European Charter of Local Self-Government lays down standards for protecting the rights of local authorities and requires states which have ratified it to comply with a number of principles. The Congress is responsible for evaluating the application of the Charter in each Member State.

In the field

Cooperation and thematic activities complement, in the field, the normative work of the Congress. They are based on the political dialogue and the monitoring of the application of the European Charter of Local Self-Government, and enable the implementation of the adopted recommendations and resolutions.

Election observation

The Congress periodically observes local and regional elections in Council of Europe member States and, sometimes, beyond. This activity, which may be organised in cooperation with other international organisations, complements the political monitoring of the European Charter of Local Self-Government


Post-monitoring and post-electoral dialogue aims to support national authorities in order to ensure the implementation of the recommendations adopted by the Congress and addressed to the national authorities of member states by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe.


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