
• Pictures, one picture per pair. (Two or more pairs should get the same picture.)
• Paper and pen, one between two people
• Glue


1. Ask participants to get into pairs. Hand out the pictures, sheets of paper and pens.

2. Invite them to analyse the Who? What? Where? When? and How? of the picture.

3. Tell them to glue the picture onto the paper and to write speech bubbles for the characters
in the picture.

4. Ask the pairs to share their work and go on to a short debriefing:
• How hard was it to analyse the pictures and to write speech bubbles?
• For the pairs who had the same picture, how do the analyses of your pictures compare?
• What stereotypes did participants find in the pictures and in the speech bubbles?

Tips for facilitatorsGoto top

You do not have to restrict the group to pictures of people. Why not include some pictures
with animals? This can be especially fruitful if you want to get people to talk about stereotypes.
You can start out by pointing out how often animals are cast as stereotypes in cartoons and
then get the group to look for examples of stereotyping in their pictures and speech bubbles.
Some of Pancho’s illustrations in Chapter 5 make good material for this activity.Goto top