8th Cultural Routes Annual Advisory Forum
Görlitz, Germany, 26-28 September 2018
Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe connecting cultural values, heritage sites and citizens: strategies and synergies in a global perspective
The 8th Annual Advisory Forum was organised under the auspices of the Enlarged Partial Agreement on Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe (EPA) in co-operation with the City of Görlitz, the Saxon Ministry of the Interior and the German Federal Foreign Office and with the support of the European Institute on Cultural Routes in Luxembourg.
The 2018 Forum highlighted the strategies and synergies between the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe and International Organisations (European Union, UNESCO, ICOMOS, Organisation of Ibero-American States, NECSTouR) concerned with the protection and the promotion of cultural heritage. Coinciding with the 2018 European Year of Cultural Heritage, the Forum explored concrete possibilities of co-operation with the other European programmes or Conventions, such as the European Heritage Days and the UNESCO World Heritage List. It was also an occasion to discuss developing new initiatives and partnerships, as well as a platform for exchange of good practices.
During the Forum, official ceremonies took place to welcome two new member States of the EPA, the Republic of Turkey and the Holy See, as well as two new certified Cultural Routes, Impressionisms Routes and Via Charlemagne. On the occasion of the Annual Advisory Forum, the City of Görlitz officially joined the VIA REGIA, certified Cultural Route of the Council of Europe since 2005.
The Forum was attended by over 200 participants, 30 countries, 25 certified Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe and over 20 Cultural Routes projects.
8th Cultural Routes Annual Advisory Forum Programme
Day 1
09:00 - 17:00 Registration of the participants, Brüderstraße 9
09:00 -12:00 ICOMOS Scientific Committee General Assembly (for members only, starting on 25 September), Görlitz Town Hall
11:00 -12:00 Meeting for Presidents and Managers of Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe and University Network (for Cultural Routes only), Silesian Museum, Brüderstraße 8
10:00 - 12:00 Guided Görlitz city tours for pre-registered participants (Meeting place, Brüderstraße 9)
12:30 - 14:30 Guided Görlitz city tours for pre-registered participants (Meeting place, Brüderstraße 9)
12:00 - 14:00 Registration of the participants, Kulturforum Görlitzer Synagoge, Otto-Müller-Straße 3
14:00 - 15:30 Press Conference (for press only), Görlitz Town Hall
14:00 - 15:00 Routes4U Seminar, Silesian Museum, Brüderstraße 8
Routes4U Project is a joint programme between the Council of Europe (Enlarged Partial Agreement on Cultural Routes) and the European Commission (Directorate-General Regional and Urban Policy). The project fosters regional development through the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe programme in the four EU macro-regions, according to the Faro Convention. The Routes4U seminar will focus on joint activities, funding opportunities, extension and certification of Cultural Routes in the Adriatic-Ionian, Alpine, Baltic Sea and Danube Region. It will provide a platform to Cultural Routes certified by the Council of Europe and projects of cultural routes to exchange on the management of Cultural Routes. Routes4U website: www.coe.int/routes4u
15:00 - 16:00 Networking Café
OFFICIAL OPENING 16:00 - 18:00, Kulturforum Görlitzer Synagoge, Otto-Müller-Straße 3
Welcoming remarks/Opening statements/Other statements
- Siegfried DEINEGE, Lord Mayor Görlitz, Germany
- Rafal GRONICZ, Mayor, Zgorzelec, Poland
- Roland WÖLLER, Saxon State Minister of the Interior, Germany
- Matjaz GRUDEN, Director of Democratic Participation, Council of Europe
- Michelle MÜNTEFERING, Minister of State at the Federal Foreign Office, Germany
- Marianne BERGER MARJANOVIC, Chair, Governing Board EPA on Cultural Routes, Council of Europe
Accession Ceremony for Member States who joined the Partial Agreement during 2018
Certification Ceremony for Cultural Routes certified in 2018
18:45 Transfer to evening venue (shuttle)
OPENING GALA 19:00, Miejski Dom Kultury, ul. Parkowa 1, Zgorzelec, Poland (for registered participants)
- Rafal GRONICZ, Mayor, Zgorzelec, Poland
- Roland WÖLLER, Saxon State Minister of the Interior, Germany
- Birgitta RINGBECK, Federal Foreign Office, Germany, Member of the EPA Governing Board
- Stefano DOMINIONI, Executive Secretary, EPA on Cultural Routes, Council of Europe
- Christian BIEVER, President, European Institute of Cultural Routes
21:30 - 22:15 Departure by shuttle
Day 2
08:00 - 14:00 Registration of the participants, Kulturforum Görlitzer Synagoge, Otto-Müller-Straße 3
PLENARY SESSION 09:00 - 09:45, Kulturforum Görlitzer Synagoge, Otto-Müller-Straße 3
VIII Annual Advisory Forum introduction
- Birgitta RINGBECK, Federal Foreign Office, Germany
Council of Europe: Cultural Routes (EPA) and European Heritage Days
- Stefano DOMINIONI, Executive Secretary, EPA on Cultural Routes, Council of Europe
Council of Europe and European Union cooperation on Cultural Routes: the Routes4U Joint Programme
- Constanze METZGER, Project Officer, Routes4U Joint Programme, EPA on Cultural Routes, Council of Europe
EU Regional Strategies and policies: the role of the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe
- Marco ONIDA, Coordinator EU Strategy for the Danube Region, Competence Centre Macro-regions and European Territorial Cooperation, DG-REGIO, European Commission
EU cultural initiatives and Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe: existing cooperation and perspectives
- Anne GRADY, Policy Officer, European Commission, DG EAC - Directorate General for Education and Youth, Sport and Culture, Cultural Policy Unit
World Heritage and Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe: existing cooperation and perspectives
- Peter DEBRINE, Project Officer, World Heritage and Sustainable Tourism Programme, UNESCO
ROUNDTABLE 1 09:45 - 11:15
Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe and European Heritage programmes: Existing and potential initiatives for future synergies
Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe crisscross the European continent, involving all 28 EU Countries. Cultural Routes are considered as grassroots tools allowing the implementation of cultural policies and initiatives, in particular those established at the European level.
Roundtable 1 will focus on the good practices of interaction between Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe and EU heritage activities, such as the European Heritage Label, the European Year of Cultural Heritage, and on the project developed by the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe and financed under Culture and Creative Europe programmes.
- Anne GRADY, Policy Officer, European Commission, DG EAC - Directorate General for Education and Youth, Sport and Culture, Cultural Policy Unit
- Mike ROBINSON, Director, Ironbridge Institute, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom
Certified Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe (per year of certification)
- Christophe VOROS, Cluniac Sites in Europe (2005)
- Caroline FISCHER, Via Regia (2005)
- Paul SIMONS, European Route of Historical Thermal Towns (2010)
- Bodo ZEHM, European Route of Megalithic Culture (2013)
- Dorothe RÖMER, The Huguenot and the Waldesian Trail (2013)
- Candidate projects to the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe certification
- Peter BACKES, European Route of Industrial Heritage
- Sara DURYEA, European Cultural Route of Reformation
- Michael CRAMER, Iron Curtain Trail
11:00-11:45 Candidate Cultural Routes networking coffee break
ROUNDTABLE 2 11:45 - 13:15
Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe and UNESCO World Heritage Sites: existing and potential future synergies
According to Resolution CM/Res (2013)67, Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe must « take account of and promote the charters, conventions, recommendations and work of the Council of Europe, UNESCO and ICOMOS relating to heritage restoration, protection and enhancement, landscape and spatial planning ». Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe often cross sites inscribed on the World Heritage List (WHL). A number of sites inscribed on the WHL are approaching the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe certification, and, vice versa, a number of Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe are interested in inscribing their heritage, tangible or intangible, on the WHL. Roundtable 2 will offer the occasion to discuss the added value of certifications and labels from the Cultural Routes point of view, comparing the Council of Europe and UNESCO definitions of heritage, its values (European/universal) and its socio-economic role, and envisaging new synergies between the two programmes.
- Peter DEBRINE, Project Officer, World Heritage and Sustainable Tourism Programme, UNESCO
- Eleonora BERTI, Council of Europe Cultural Routes Project Coordinator, European Institute of Cultural Routes
Certified Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe (per year of certification)
- Gérard BEAUME, Santiago De Compostela Pilgrim Routes (1987)
- Inger HARLEVI, The Hansa (1991)
- Christian SCHUELE, Via Francigena (1994)
- Audrey GUITTARD, Olive Tree Routes (2005)
- Bruno JUDIC, Saint Martin of Tours Route (2005)
- Emanuela PANKE, Iter Vitis (2009)
- Germinal PEIRO, Prehistoric Rock Art Trails (2010)
Candidate projects to the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe certification
- Marcus NITSCHKE, The Architectural Work of Le Corbusier
- Frank ANDRASCHKO, Longobard Ways across Europe
13:30 - 15:00 Networking Lunch, Wichernhaus, Johannes-Wüsten-Straße 23, 300 meters by foot
ROADMAP WORKSHOP 1 15:00 - 16:00
Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe: developing joint strategies and synergies at International level
- Mike ROBINSON, Director, Ironbridge Institute, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom
- Eladio FERNANDEZ GALIANO, Special Advisor, Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe Programme
- Marianne BERGER MARJANOVIC, Chair, Governing Board EPA on Cultural Routes, Council of Europe
- Anne GRADY, Policy Officer, European Commission, DG EAC - Directorate General for Education and Youth, Sport and Culture, Cultural Policy Unit
- Grellan ROURKE, Vice President, ICOMOS
- Cecilia CALDERON PUENTE, President of the International ICOMOS Committee on Cultural Routes - CIIC
- Claudia SCHWARZ, CEO UNESCO-Welterbestätten Deutschland e. V.,
- Kerstin MANZ, Head of Division for World Heritage, German Comission for UNESCO
- Monica GARCIA, Responsible of Cultural projects, OEI (Organization of Ibero-American States for Education, Science and Culture)
- Alicia CAHN, Member of the International ICOMOS Committee on Cultural Routes - CIIC
ROADMAP WORKSHOP 2 16:00 - 17:00
Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe: developing joint strategies and synergies at national and regional level
- Birgitta RINGBECK, Federal Foreign Office, Germany, Member of the EPA Governing Board
- Levan KHARATISHVILI, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Culture, Georgia, Member of the EPA Governing Board
- Alfredas JOMANTAS, Head of Register management, public relations and education division, Cultural Heritage Department of the Ministry of Culture, Lithuania, Member of the EPA Governing Board
- Constanze METZGER, Project Officer, Routes4U Joint Programme, EPA on Cultural Routes, Council of Europe
- Matthias RIPP, Regional Coordinator Northwest Europe and North America, World Heritage coordinator of Regensburg
- Inger HARLEVI, Manager, The Hansa
- Christophe VOROS, Director, Cluniac Sites in Europe, and President, French Federation of European Cultural Routes
- Caroline FISCHER, Manager, Via Regia
- Dorothe RÖMER, Huguenots and Waldensian trail
17:00 - 17:30 Networking Coffee break
- Birgitta RINGBECK, Federal Foreign Office, Germany, Member of the EPA Governing Board
- Marianne BERGER MARJANOVIC, Chair, Governing Board EPA on Cultural Routes, Council of Europe
- Levan KHARATISHVILI, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Culture, Georgia, Member of the EPA Governing Board
- Inger HARLEVI, Manager, The Hansa
- Mike ROBINSON, Director, Ironbridge Institute, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom
- Eleonora BERTI, Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe Project Coordinator, European Institute of Cultural Routes
- Stefano DOMINIONI, Executive Secretary, EPA on Cultural Routes, Council of Europe
Adoption of the Görlitz Roadmap and conclusion of the Forum
Presentation of the 2019 Annual Advisory Forum (Sibiu, Romania)
- Steliana COJOCARIU, Senior Counsellor, Ministry of Tourism, Romania
CLOSING SESSION 18:50 - 19:00
- Birgitta RINGBECK, Federal Foreign Office, Germany, Member of the EPA Governing Board
07:30 Closing Reception and Gala Dinner, Gerhart-Hauptmann-Theater, Demianiplatz 2 (550
meters by foot)
- Siegfried DEINEGE, Lord Mayor Görlitz, Germany
- Stefano DOMINIONI, Executive Secretary, EPA on Cultural Routes, Council of Europe Cultural programme
Day 3
Excursions for pre-registered participants, lunchbox
08:30 - 07:00 BAD MUSKAU (ending at Berlin airport), meeting place Demianiplatz
08:30 - 06:00 BAUTZEN and DRESDEN (ending at Dresden airport), meeting place Demianiplatz
10:00 - 12:00 GÖRLITZ Guided City tour (including a special tour), meeting place Brüderstraße 9
8th Cultural Routes Annual Advisory Forum Complete Programme
Roadmap of the 8th Cultural Routes Annual Advisory Forum
Kulturforum Görlitzer Synagoge
02826 Görlitz (GERMANY)
Dom Kultury
Parkowa 1
59-900 Zgorzelec (POLAND)
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