EPA Statutory Committee
Each year in October, the Statutory Committee of the Enlarged Partial Agreement on Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe (EPA) adopts the budget of the EPA for the implementation of its programme of activities.
The EPA Statutory Committee is defined in the Committee of Minister Resolution CM/Res(2013)66 Article 4:
4.1 The Statutory Committee shall be composed of the representatives on the Committee of Ministers of the member States of the Council of Europe which are participating in the EPA and of representatives specifically designated to that effect by the non-member States participating in the EPA. The Statutory Committee shall apply, mutatis mutandis, the rules of procedure of the Committee of Ministers.
4.2 The Statutory Committee shall determine every year the total of members' compulsory contributions to the EPA and the scale of contributions according to which that total shall be apportioned between the participating States; as a general rule, that scale shall conform to the criteria for the determination of the scale of contributions to the General Budget of the Council of Europe.
4.3 The Statutory Committee shall adopt, every year, the budget of the EPA on expenditure relating to the implementation of the programme of activities and common secretariat expenditure.
4.4 The Statutory Committee shall approve, every year, the annual accounts of the EPA, which shall be drawn up by the Secretary General of the Council of Europe in accordance with the Financial Regulations of the Council of Europe and submitted to the Statutory Committee accompanied by the report of the External Auditor, as provided for in the Financial Regulations. In order to give discharge to the Secretary General in respect of his or her management for the financial year in question, the Statutory Committee shall transmit to the Committee of Ministers the annual accounts, together with its approval or any comments along with the comments submitted by the Governing Board and the report drawn up by the External Auditor, as provided for in the Financial Regulations.
The Statutory Committee meets each year in October in Strasbourg, France, at the Council of Europe headquarters.
Amb. Patrick ENGELBERG (Permanent representative of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg to the Council of Europe): Chair