The Collective Complaints procedure was introduced by the Additional Protocol providing for a system of collective complaints, adopted in 1995.

The aim pursued with the introduction of the procedure was to increase the effectiveness, speed and impact of the implementation of the Charter.

In this view, the collective complaints procedure has strengthened the role of the social partners and non-governmental organisations by enabling them to directly apply to the European Committee of Social Rights for rulings on possible non-implementation of the Charter in the countries concerned, namely those States which have accepted its provisions and the complaints procedure.

The decisions adopted by the European Committee of Social Rights in the framework of this monitoring mechanism can be consulted using the European Social Charter Caselaw Database (HUDOC Charter).

More on the collective complaints procedure

  List of INGOs entitled to lodge collective complaints established by the Governmental Committee of the European Social Charter and the European Code of Social Security


 European Committee of Social Rights Findings 2023 on the follow-up to decisions in the collective complaints procedure with respect to Belgium, Bulgaria, Finland, France, Greece, Ireland, Italy and Portugal.

Findings  2022 | 2021 | 2020 |  2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016

Indietro 327th session of the European Committee of Social Rights

327th session of the European Committee of Social Rights

The European Committee of Social Rights will hold its 327th session from 16 to 20 May in in Strasbourg and by video conference.

The Committee will continue the examination of the national reports* for Conclusions XXII-3 (2022) of the 1961 Charter and for Conclusions 2022 of the revised Charter with respect to the provisions belonging to thematic group 3 on labour rights. Several pending collective complaints will also be examined over the week.

The Committee will also take stock of the situation related to the procedure provided for by Article 22 of the European Social Charter on “non-accepted provisions”. The countries concerned by exercise 2022 are Albania, Finland, North Macedonia and Turkey. They were invited to submit a written report.

* All the national reports submitted by States Parties to both 1961 Charter and the Revised Charter can be found on the country profiles web pages.

Strasbourg, France 16-20/05/2022
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