Indietro 323rd session of the European Committee of Social Rights

323rd session of the European Committee of Social Rights

The 323rd session (in hybrid format) of the European Committee of Social Rights began with a High Level Panel, organised on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the European Social Charter, on 18 October 2021. Karin Lukas, President of the Committee took part in the panel.

In addition, on 18 October, Eliane Chemla, Vice-President of the Committee, will make an allocution at the ceremony on the occasion of the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty (17 October) and the European Anti-Trafficking Day (18 October). The ceremony was followed by a webinar on “Precariousness or slavery, it’s not a job! Is decent and freely undertaken work for ALL possible?”. This event will be opened by Karin Lukas.

After these events, the Committee will continue the examination of the national reports* for Conclusions XXII-2 (2021) of the 1961 Charter and for Conclusions 2021 of the revised Charter with respect to the provisions belonging to thematic group 2 “health, social security and social protection”. Several pending collective complaints will also be examined over the week.

The Committee will also take stock of the situation related to the procedure provided for by Article 22 of the European Social Charter on “non-accepted provisions”. Due to the situation related to COVID-19 and uncertainties regarding travel restrictions, the countries concerned by exercise 2021 (Austria, Greece, Lithuania, Republic of Moldova, the Netherlands, Norway and Ukraine) were invited to submit a written report.

The Bureau of the European Committee of Social Rights will hold in hybrid format a joint meeting with the Bureau of the Governmental Committee on 19 October 2021. 

* All the national reports submitted by States Parties to both 1961 Charter and the Revised Charter can be found on the counrty profiles web pages.

Strasbourg, France 18-22/10/2021
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