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Oral submission

Hearing of the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights in the case of Duarte Agostinho and Others v. Portugal and 32 Others

27/09/2023 Strasbourg

Oral submission by Dunja Mijatović "Madam President, Distinguished members of the Court, I decided to intervene in this case concerning climate change because of its special importance for the protection of human rights and the environment, a priority of my mandate. There is no doubt that climate...

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Azerbaijan: concerns about the disproportionate use of force by police during environmental protests and restrictions to the work of human rights defenders, lawyers, and journalists

24/07/2023 Strasbourg

In a letter addressed to the Minister of Internal Affairs of Azerbaijan, Vilayat Eyvazov, published today, the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Dunja Mijatović, raises concerns about the recent dispersal of environmental protests and the arrests of participants in the Soyudlu...

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Human Rights Comment

Crackdowns on peaceful environmental protests should stop and give way to more social dialogue

02/06/2023 Strasbourg

Environmental pollution, climate change and biodiversity loss are among the most urgent existential threats to humankind and to human rights. In response, many people in Europe and beyond have seen fit to take to the streets and to try new, often disruptive, forms of peaceful protest to demand...

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Country visit report

Georgia should ensure effective implementation of the anti-discrimination legislation and improve protection of human rights in the fields of labour and the environment

15/07/2022 Strasbourg

The Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Dunja Mijatović, published today the report following her visit to Georgia in February 2022, with recommendations on combating discrimination against LGBTI people and those belonging to religious minorities, as well as protecting human rights...

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Country visit

Georgia should step up the fight against discrimination and better ensure labour rights and the human right to a healthy environment

28/02/2022 Strasbourg

“Georgia has taken significant steps to reinforce labour rights including by adopting broad legislation and setting up the labour inspectorate. However, increased efforts and additional measures are required to address the negative impact of a decade of deregulation on occupational safety and...

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Climate change, human rights and environmental defenders – what role for the academia?

28/10/2021 Edinburgh

"Human Rights and Climate Change", International virtual symposium convened by the Royal Society of Edinburgh and the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Professor Jaspars, Professor Zenner, Dear Dr Boyd -- dear David, Dear Friends, What a pleasure to be with...

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Meeting of the Parties of the Aarhus Convention

21/10/2021 Strasbourg

Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Chair, Thank you for inviting me to speak. As Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe, I am committed to raising awareness about the link between environment and human rights in its forty-seven member States. Environmental harm, pollution...

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60th Anniversary of the European Social Charter

18/10/2021 Strasbourg

High-level panel discussion, opening statement by Dunja Mijatović Ladies and Gentlemen, dear Co-panelists, dear Chair, I am very pleased and honoured to address you today to mark the 60th anniversary of the opening for signature of the European Social Charter. The European Social Charter and the...

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Human Rights Comment

Let us make Europe a safe place for environmental human rights defenders

25/05/2021 Strasbourg

In 2017 in Bosnia and Herzegovina, a group of dedicated grassroots environmental activists staged a 500-day-long protest against the construction of new hydropower dams on the Kruščica river. The fight led by local women, who later came to be known as the Brave Women of Kruščica, met with many...

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Third party intervention

Commissioner publishes observations on the human rights impact of climate change

11/05/2021 Strasbourg

Today, the Commissioner published her written observations to the European Court of Human Rights concerning the case of Cláudia Duarte Agostinho and others v. Portugal and 32 other States which relates to the negative impact of climate change on a range of human rights, in particular those of...

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Environmental Rights Activism and Advocacy in Europe: Issues, Threats, Opportunities

31/03/2021 Strasbourg

“Environmental protection is a critical pillar in ensuring that everyone in Europe can fully enjoy human rights,” the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Dunja Mijatović, said today upon the release of a report on a round-table with environmental human rights defenders from across...

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Commissioner calls on member states to support the recognition of the right to a healthy environment at the UN

27 February 2020 Strasbourg

Addressing the High Level Conference “Environmental Protection and Human Rights”, the Commissioner delivered the following speech today: I would start by thanking Georgia for making Environment and Human Rights the priority of its Presidency and raising the profile of the theme of Environment and...

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Human Rights Comment

Living in a clean environment: a neglected human rights concern for all of us

04/06/2019 Strasbourg

Tomorrow, 5 June, is World Environment Day. Initiated as an annual event by the United Nations to draw attention to pressing environmental problems, this year’s theme is air pollution. The urgency of the problem cannot be overstated. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than 9...

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Visit to Kosovo*

Commissioner Hammarberg calls for stop of forced returns and immediate evacuation of Roma from lead-contaminated camps

15/02/10 Strasbourg

After the second visit within ten months to the lead-contaminated Roma camps of Česmin Lug and Osterode in northern Kosovo, the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Thomas Hammarberg, deplored that the situation for the inhabitants remains the same: "The fact that the camps have been...

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Climate change is causing an unprecedented, global human rights crisis – and must now be countered by co-ordinated, rights-based action

19/10/2009 Strasbourg

The daily lives of millions are already being affected by the effects of global warming: desertification, droughts, flooding or cyclones. Basic human rights - such as the right to life, health, food, water, shelter or property - are threatened. The ones who will suffer most are those who are...

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“All people in Kosovo1 should benefit from European standards of human rights protection” says Commissioner Hammarberg on publishing his report

Strasbourg, 02.07.2009 – Presenting his special mission report on Kosovo today, the Council of Europe's Commissioner for Human Rights stressed that all people living in Kosovo, regardless of their ethnicity, must benefit from European standards of human rights protection. They should not be held...

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