Retour Exhibition on the Work of Journalists During the War in Ukraine

As delivered by Marija Pejčinović Burić, Secretary General of the Council of Europe


Ambassador, dear Boris,


Distinguished guests,

Ladies and gentlemen,


Journalists and media workers play an essential role in our democratic societies.

They uncover facts;

They present them to the public;

And they hold the powerful to account.

In times of war, that job is even more important and more difficult.

The stakes are so high –

And the suffering so great –

That people need access to timely, reliable information more than ever.

But providing it comes at extraordinary risk to the women and men who dedicate their lives to this work.

We see that today in Ukraine.

Since the beginning of the Russian Federation’s brutal, illegal and ongoing aggression –

Ukrainian media outlets have been closed, TV towers shelled, and camera crews attacked –

While an ever-increasing number of journalists have been wounded, tortured and killed.

Many have simply disappeared.

This is not only tragic and appalling –

But directing attacks against journalists – people who are not taking part directly in the hostilities – constitutes a war crime.

Where such crimes have been committed, everything must be done to investigate them and to hold those responsible to account.

Certainly, our Organisation stands with Ukraine’s journalists.

At our Ministerial Session in Turin last month, our member states agreed to our joint, adjusted Action Plan for Ukraine.

This includes tailor-made measures in support of the safety of journalists and the media –

And to ensure access to information in Ukraine.

But the stark reality remains that this profession is exposed to dangers that cannot be fully mitigated on the ground.

Today in Ukraine there are journalists, reporters, and bloggers –

Fixers, operators and camera people –

Who are laying their lives on the line to document the crimes committed against their country –

Including war crimes.

Their commitment and their bravery are humbling.

This exhibition shows specific examples of what their courage enables.

And I am thankful to the Permanent Representation –

To the Ukrainian delegation to our Parliamentary Assembly –

To the CSO Institute of Mass Information –

And to PromoUkraina for bringing it here.

But most of all, we are grateful to the journalists and media workers themselves.

Our thoughts are with them, those close to them, and all Ukrainians.


Thank you.

Strasbourg 21 June 2022
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