Retour Civic Round Table 2016 - June Strasbourg meeting

Civic Round Table 2016 - June Strasbourg meeting
A two-session Civic Round table was co-organised by the Council of Europe and the European School of Politics in Istanbul, with the financial support of the Council of Europe and the Mercator Foundation. It offered to around 30 fellows from different European countries and beyond a platform to study trends and challenges, and to experiment with various ways to forge better civics across Europe.

The first session took place in Berlin on 2-4 May and the second one in Strasbourg on 16-17 June. In Berlin, the participants were invited to discuss prospects of inclusive economic growth, trends related to inequality and social mobility, Europe’s role in the world, migration challenges and the associated changes to social capital and the social contract. The discussions were facilitated by prominent academics and opinion-makers. The Berlin session also included a working lunch with Mr Joschka Fischer on "How can Europe master various fundamental crises and still move ahead as a process?”

At the Strasbourg session, the participants presented the results of their reflections to the Secretary General of the Council of Europe in a report entitled:“Towards a new European civics”. The Strasbourg meeting also included a public debate with French politician, Ms Rama Yade, former Secretary of State, an exchange of views on the work of the European Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission) by its President, Mr Gianni Buquicchio, as well as a discussion with Mr David Gardner, International Affairs Editor at the Financial Times about the situation in the Middle East. .  

  Visit Civic Round table website
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