
31/12/2017 - Hello Monaco / Monaco - 'Group of States against Corruption’ adopts Monaco’s Report

Switzerland / Suisse

29/12/2017 - Neue Zürcher Zeitung / Switzerland - Der Richter und sein Parteibuch; Garantiert der Parteienproporz bei Richterwahlen die Unabhängigkeit der Justiz – oder gefährdet er sie?

29/12/2017 - / France - Suisse : il ne reste plus que quelques heures aux évadés fiscaux

Croatia / Croatie

20/12/2017 - Vecernji list / Croatia - Bi li nas sudac Boban mogao tužiti? Naravno da bi, već je dobio 50.000 kn

Romania / Roumanie

20/12/2017 - / Romania - The toughest winter for Romania. What's next in govt coalition efforts to subdue Justice

Azerbaijan / Azerbaïdjan

19/12/2017 - Dagens Nyheter / Sweden - Azerbajdzjan ; Chef för UD-finansierat institut kritiseras för nära kopplingar till diktatur

"The former Yugoslav Republic of Maceodonia'' / "L'ex-République yougoslave de Macédoine"

18/12/2017 - Akademik / ''the former Yugoslav Republic of Maceodonia'' - Fulfilling GRECO's recommendations means improving system, but also improving life, says GRECO President

Denmark / Danemark

16/12/2017 - Politiken / Denmark - Sjusk og fejl med partistøtte

Poland / Pologne & Romania / Roumanie

14/12/2017 - DW / Germany - Europarat untersucht umstrittene Reformen in Rumänien und Polen

14/12/2017 - Agence Europe / International - Emergency assessment of possible breaches of independence of judiciary and fight against corruption in Romania and Poland

14/12/2017 - AFP / International - RTBF / Belgique - Roumanie: adoption d'une réforme controversée de la justice

12/12/2017 - Act media - GRECO to carry out urgent evaluations of new legislation concerning the judiciary in Romania and Poland

11/12/2017 - Romania Insider / Romania - Council of Europe anti-corruption body evaluates new justice legislation in Romania and Poland

Iceland / Islande

13/12/2017 - RÚV / Islande Orðið við fimm af tíu tilmælum gegn spillingu

13/12/2017 - Morgunblaðið / Island - Morgunblaðið / Islandbaráttunni

13/12/2017 - Morgunblaðið / Island - Árangur í baráttunni

Poland / Pologne

12/12/2017 - RMF24 / Poland - Instytucja Rady Europy ds. korupcji zaniepokojona zmianami w polskim sądownictwie

12/12/2017 - PAP - - Gazeta Prawna / Poland - Antykorupcyjny organ Rady Europy oceni ustawy o SN i KRS

Romania / Roumanie

12/12/2017 - Agenzia Nova / Italy - Romania: Consiglio d'Europa avvia valutazione riforma leggi giustizia

12/12/2017 - / Romania - PREMIERĂ la Consiliul Europei privind LEGILE sistemului JUDICIAR din România

12/12/2017 - Nine O'Clock / Romania - GRECO asks Romania for information on the changes to the judicial laws, to be analyzed at a March meeting

11/12/2017 - Business Review / International - ACT Media / Romania - Council of Europe anti-corruption body to carry out urgent evaluations of new legislation on judiciary in Romania

11/12/2017 - AGERPRES - Romania Libera - - / Romania - Consiliul Europei va evalua de urgență propunerile legislative din domeniul justiției din România

11/12/2017 - Adevarul / Romania - Consiliul Europei, decizie radicală

11/12/2017 - Ziare / Romania - Decizie fara precedent a Consiliului Europei din cauza modului in care sunt modificate Legile Justitiei

Latvia / Lettonie

12/12/2017 - Jurista Vārds / Latvia - Starptautiskie pretkorupcijas eksperti Latvijā

Croatia / Croatie

12/12/2017 - HINA / Croatia - Round table held on strengthening judiciary's independence

Malta / Malte

12/12/2017 - Times of Malta / Malta - New Europe / International - Op-ed: Dark year for anti-corruption

08/12/2017 - Malta Independent / Malta - Council of Europe hails Caruana Galizia’s work on International Anti-Corruption Day

08/12/2017 - Balkan Insight / international - Times of Malta / Malta - Cancer of Corruption Continues to Blight Europe by GRECO President Marin Mrcela

Italy / Italie

06/12/2017 - La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno / Italy - Energia e grandi eventi sotto la lente appalti pubblici; Massima attenzione su Matera 2019 e sulle estrazioni petrolifere da parte della Gdf lotta alla corruzione


06/12/2017 - Nezavisimaya Gazeta / Russia - Lukashenko knows what he is hiding

04/12/2017 - Narodnaya Volya - Charter97 - Belaruspartisan / Belarus - What is published in the reports of the Council of Europe, which Belarus prohibits for publishing ?

04/12/2017 - RIA Novosti / Russia - GRECO calls on Minsk to provide state support to political parties

04/12/2017 - / Belarus - Belarus's implementation of the Council of Europe's recommendations on combating corruption remains generally unsatisfactory - a summary of the report

04/12/2017 - BelaPAN / Belarus - Council of Europe's anti-corruption body notes no proper revision of Belarus’ Criminal Code following ratification of its convention

Armenia / Arménie

30/11/2017 - JAMnews / International - Progress in the fight against corruption in Armenia

Sweden / Suède

29/11/2017 - TT - Helsingborgs Dagblad - Dagens Industri / Sweden - Partier och kandidater måste redovisa bidrag


29/11/2017 - Evropeyskaya Pravda / Ukraine - Op-ed: Fighting corruption in Ukraine

Armenia / Arménie

28/11/2017 - ARMENPRESS / Armenia - GRECO Executive Secretary welcomes Armenia’s steps to prevent corruption

27/11/2017 -News Armenia - GRECO executive secretary: Armenia is on the right track

27/11/2017 - ARMINFO / Armenia - Exectutive Secretary of GRECO is generally satisfied with Armenia's struggle against corruption

27/11/2017 - AzerNews - Trend / Azerbaijan - Europe vainly tries to force Armenia to eradicate corruption

Austria / Autriche

23/11/2017 - Kurier / Austria - NEOS: Grünberg-Opel ist Fall für ÖVP-Ethikrat

Italy / Italie

15/11/2017 - Askanews / Italy - Whistleblowing, Ferranti: ok legge rafforza lotta corruzione

Belgium / Belgique

13/11/2017 - Le Soir / Belgium - La fin des juges suppléants, solution préférée

Bosnia and Herzegovina / Bosnie-Herzégovine

14/11/2017 - FENA - - - 24 sata - / Bosnia and Herzegovina - Intervju sa Gianlucom Espositom: Protiv korupcije se treba boriti zbog naroda, a ne zato što to neko drugi traži

Czech Republic / République tchèque

15/11/2017 - Hospodarske Noviny / Czechia - Největším pokrokem Česka v boji s úplatkářstvím jsou pravidla pro financování stran, říká šéf evropských bojovníků proti korupci

12/11/2017 - Aktualne Praha na dlani / Czechia - Ministr spravedlnosti podepsal dodatek k úmluvě Rady Evropy o korupci

10/11/2017 - ČTK - Prague Monitor - Justice minister signs addendum of CE's anti-corruption convention

10/11/2017 - Radio Praha / The Czech Republic - GRECO president in Prague: Without good people, even a perfect law is futile / Audio

10/11/2017 - CTK Daily News / Czechia - Czech minister signs addendum of CE's anti-corruption convention

09/11/2017 - ČTK - Denik / The Czech Republic - Ministr Pelikán podepsal dodatek k úmluvě Rady Evropy o korupci

09/11/2017 - Parlamentni Listy / The Czech Republic - Ministr Pelikán: Korupce provází lidstvo odjakživa. Důležitá je ale její míra

08/11/2017 - EcoFinance / Senegal - Conférence sur la prévention de la corruption chez les parlementaires, les juges et les procureurs en Europe

Belgium / Belgique

07/11/2017 - La Meuse / Belgium - Corruption : Belgique, « mouton noir » de l’Europe

Greece / Grèce

07/11/2017 - Reporter / Greece - GRECO insists more action needed to prevent corruption among MPs, judges prosecutors

Andorra / Andorre

05/11/2017 - Bondia / Andorra - El Greco demana que els consellers generals facin públics els seus béns

05/11/2017 - El Periodic / Andorra - Casadevall desmunta els advertiments de l’informe del Greco

05/11/2017 - Bondia / Andorra - Bona nota en la lluita contra la corrupció

05/11/2017 - El Periodic / Andorra - El Greco constata mancances en el control de la corrupció al Consell General

05/11/2017 - El Periodic / Andorra - Prevenir la corrupció i evitar incompatibilitats, temes pendents

05/11/2017 - Altaveu / Andorra - El Consell d’Europa reclama a Andorra més mesures per prevenir la corrupció entre parlamentaris, jutges i fiscals

05/11/2017 - Ràdio SER Principat d'Andorra / Andorra - Els partits es mostren favorables a crear un codi ètic per regular el conflicte d'interessos

Belgium / Belgique

05/11/2017 - La Meuse / Belgium - « Le Parlement n’a rien fait, c’est un scandale »

Switzerland / Suisse

03/11/2017 - RTS / Switzerland - Entretien avec Gianluca Esposito, Secrétaire Exécutif du GRECO - Les rétrocessions des juges fédéraux à leur parti suscitent des critiques

Spain / Espagne

03/11/2017 - El Espanol / Spain - Por qué no necesito leer los autos de la juez Lamela

02/11/2017 - El Periodico / Spain - El Govern cesado y la Mesa del Parlament, ante la Audiencia y el Supremo

Andorra / Andorre

03/11/2017 - RTVA / Andorra - El GRECO demana un codi ètic per als consellers i que declarin públicament el patrimoni

02/11/2017 - EFE - El Diario - ABC / Spain - El Consejo de Europa pide a Andorra que los diputados declaren sus bienes

02/11/2017 - Diari Andorra / Andorra - El Greco recomana un codi de conducta per als parlamentaris

02/11/2017 - El - El Greco recomana que el Consell General tingui un codi de conducta

Switzerland / Suisse

22/10/2017 - Sonntags Zeitung / Switzerland - So dreist schröpfen Parteien ihre Richter

Cyprus / Chypre

21/10/2017 - Cyprus Mail / Cyprus - Let’s hope the new anti-corruption laws won’t be as toothless as the old anti-nepotism ones

Slovak Republic / République slovaque

19/10/2017 - Domov - WebNoviny / Slovakia - Fico by prijal štátnu rezidenciu pre seba aj prezidenta

19/10/2017 - TA3 / Slovakia - V Štrasburgu rokovali o korupcii, Slovensko zastupoval Fico (Video)

18/10/2017 - Pravda - / Slovakia - Pred summitom čaká Fica večera s Junckerom aj boj proti korupcii

18/10/2017 - - / Slovakia - Premiér Robert Fico odcestoval do Štrasburgu,stretne sa s predstaviteľmi Rady Európy

18/10/2017 - TASR - / Slovakia - Fico Strasbourgba utazott

18/10/2017 - - / Slovakia - Fico odcestoval do Štrasburgu, stretne sa s predstaviteľmi Rady Európy

Sweden / Suède

18/10/2017 - Dagens Nyheter / Sweden - ''Regeringen vill inte kräva insyn i partiernas utgifter''

Switzerland / Suisse

13/10/2017 - Swissinfo / Switzerland - Democracia direta, fundos indiretos

11/10/2017 - SwissInfo / Switzerland - Les juges suisses sous le joug des partis

11/10/2017 - Tribune de Genève / Switzerland - Les Suisses voteront sur la transparence des partis

11/10/2017 - NZZ / Switzerland - Parteifinanzen in der Dunkelkammer; Die Transparenzinitiative will Licht in die Politikfinanzierung bringen, hat aber einen schweren Stand

11/10/2017 - NZZ / Switzerland - Die wahren Ziele im Auge behalten; Transparenzinitiative


09/10/2017 - Dalloz actualite / France - Lutte contre la corruption en France : bilan du Conseil de l’Europe

Armenia / Arménie

04/10/2017 - Public Radio of Armenia / Armenia - PM calls consultations on international cooperation in fighting corruption

04/10/2017 - ARMINFO / Armenia - At the working meeting Prime Minister of Armenia discussed the issues of international cooperation in the fight against corruption

04/10/2017 - ARMENPRESS / Armenia - PM holds consultation on int’l cooperation in anti-corruption area


01/10/2017 - La Tribune / France - Lutte contre la corruption : l'Europe appelle la France à redoubler d'efforts

01/10/2017 - Eurocomunicazioni / Italy - GRECO: livello di corruzione in Francia

Austria / Autriche

27/09/2017 - APA / Austria - Steinhauser kritisiert ÖVP/SPÖ-Anlassgesetzgebung zur Einschränkung der Rücktrittsrechte bei Lebensversicherungen

Spain / Espagne

25/09/2017 - La Opinión de Málaga / Spain - La política como problema, la política como solución


24/09/2017 - Eurocomunicazione / Italy - Francia: le osservazioni del GRECO sul livello di conformità raggiunto

24/09/2017 - Eurocomunicazione / Italy - La lotta alla corruzione del GRECO nella regione transalpina

Corruption & Sport

22/09/2017 - The Economist / UK - Corruption in sport: Play up, play up

Italy / Italie

17/09/2017 - Eurocomunicazione / Italy - La lotta alla corruzione del GRECO nella regione transalpina

Switzerland / Suisse

15/09/2017 - / Switzerland - No Swiss state funding for political parties? Not so fast

Russian Federation / Fédération de Russie

14/09/2017 - Russiyskaya federaciya segodnya / Russia - Being corrupt is not only dangerous, but also shameful

Italy / Italie

11/09/2017 - Eurocomunicazione / International - Il GRECO e il contesto italiano: le raccomandazioni dell’organismo


05/09/2017 - La Tribune de Genève - 24 heures / Switzerland - A Monaco, le clan Rybolovlev fragilisé par des soupçons de connivence


05/09/2017 - Pan European Networks / International - Monitoring Ukraine


03/09/2017 - Publico / Portugal - Metade dos organismos não identifica todos os riscos de corrupção

Italy / Italie

03/09/2017 - Eurocomunicazione / Italy - Il 17° Rapporto annuale del GRECO: l’analisi di un anno di intensa attività

01/09/2017 - Il Mattino / Italy - Napoletano capodipartimento del ministro della Giustizia

31/08/2017 - ANSA / Italy - Orlando nomina Piccirillo capo Dipartimento affari Giustizia

31/08/2017 - Adnkronos - AGI / Italy - Giustizia: Raffaele Piccirillo nuovo Capo Dipartimento Affari di Giustizia

31/08/2017 - Il Mattino - Il Denaro / Italy - Piccirillo direttore Affari Giustizia del ministero

27/08/2017 - / Italy - Il GRECO: strumento fondamentale nella lotta alla corruzione

Switzerland / Suisse

25/08/2017 - Le Temps / Switzerland - La transparence progresse à petites doses

25/08/2017 - Neue Zürcher Zeitung / Switzerland - Kritik wegen mangelnder Transparenz bei Parteifinanzierung; Ein Bericht der Staatengruppe gegen Korruption hat abermals Schwachstellen geortet

25/08/2017 - St. Galler Tagblatt / Switzerland - Geheime Geldströme in der Kritik

25/08/2017 - Neue Zuger Zeitung - Neue Luzerner Zeitung / Switzerland - Überschätzte Parteien; Kommentar

25/08/2017 - SwissInfo - Giornale di Popolo / Switzerland - Finanziamento partiti: GRECO, legislazione svizzera insufficiente

24/08/2017 - SDA/ATS / Switzerland - Le GRECO continue de juger insuffisante la législation suisse

24/08/2017 - Neue Zürcher Zeitung / Switzerland - Transparenz: Die Schweiz steht erneut wegen geheimer Parteienfinanzierung in der Kritik

12/08/2017 - Le Temps / Switzerland - On votera sur le financement des partis


10/08/2017 - RFE/RL / International - The GRECO recommends the creation of anticorruption courts in Ukraine

10/08/2017 - Interfax-Ukraine / Ukraine - GRECO Group considers it necessary to create Specialized Anti-Corruption Court in Ukraine

10/08/2017 - Ukrainskaya pravda / Ukraine - GRECO experts suggest the anticorruption court in Ukraine

09/08/2017 - Sudebno-yuridicheskaya gazeta / Ukraine - GRECO notes the progress of judicial reform in Ukraine

09/08/2017 - Telegraf / Ukraine - The Council of Europe predicts violations of the independence of the judiciary in Ukraine

09/08/2017 - / Ukraine - Carry out anti-corruption reforms

09/08/2017 - TASR - / Slovakia - GRECO: Ukrajina musí pokračovať v boji proti korupcii

09/08/2017 - Unian / Ukraine - Europe says time for Ukraine to implement anti-graft reform

08/08/2017 - UNIAN - Segodnya - Den / Ukraine - Presenting its new recommendations, GRECO suggests time has come for Ukraine to implement anti-corruption reforms

08/08/2017 - Evropeyskaya pravda / Ukraine - GRECO releases report on Ukraine's anti-corruption efforts: Ukrainan anti-corruption reform should be followed by better results

08/08/2017 - / Ukraine - Anti-corruption group GRECO: Ukraine waits for fruits of reforms

Bosnia & Herzegovina / Bosnie-Herzegovine

03/08/2017 - RTRS / Bosnia and Herzegovina - Savjet Evrope: Napredak u sprovođenju mjera protiv korupcije

03/08/2017 - Dnevnii avaz / Bosnia and Herzegovina - Izvještaj GRECO-a: Napredak BiH u borbi protiv korupcije


02/08/2017 - Monaco Hebdo / Monaco - Politique anti-corruption :« Des progrès restent à faire »

Ireland / Irlande

02/08/2017 - Lexology / international - Ireland - Publication of anti-corruption legislation imminent

Russian Federation / Fédération de Russie

01/08/2017 - Nezavisimaya Gazeta / Russia - Why MPs make anti-corruption repairs

29/07/2017 - RT / Russia - United Russia pushes for greater transparency of political sponsors

28/07/2017 - Interfax / Russia - Parliamentarians plan to jail people who try to sell their influence on officials

Belgium / Belgique

28/07/2017 - Le Vif/L'Express / Belgique - Nos élus soumis à un parcours d’intégrité


28/07/2017 - Hello Monaco / Monaco - Anti-corruption control will be strenghtened in Monaco

Bulgaria / Bulgarie

26/07/2017 - BTA / Bulgaria - CoE Publishes Report on Bulgaria's Corruption Prevention in Respect of MPs, Judges, Prosecutors

25/07/2017 - Sofia News Agency / Bulgaria - GRECO: 'Bulgaria Has Implemented Satisfactorily 12 of the 19 Recommendations'


26/07/2017 - BBC / UK - GRECO - Ukraine is urged to effectively implement its anti-corruption legislation

26/07/2017 - Espreso TV / Russia - GRECO on Ukraine

26/07/2017 - / Ukraine - В Совете Европы призвали Украину внедрить антикоррупционное законодательство

25/07/2017 - Ukrainian News / Ukraine - GRECO calls on Ukraine to ensure the independence of NAPC

25/07/2017 - Unian / Ukraine - GRECO notes the improvement of Ukrainian anti-corruption legislation and calls for its effective implementation

25/07/2017 - Evropeyskaya pravda - PressOrg24 - UNN - - The Commonwealth / Ukraine - GRECO on Ukraine: It is now key to effectively implement anti-corruption legislation


24/07/2017 - Le Soir / Belgique - La commission Kazakhgate reprend le 7 septembre

Andorra / Andorre

20/07/2017 - Andorran TV / Andorra - Andorra supera l'avaluació del GRECO complint 18 de les 20 recomanacions (Video)

20/07/2017 - ARA - ANA - Diari andorra / Andorra - Andorra supera l'avaluació del GRECO amb 18 de 20 recomanacions acomplertes

20/07/2017 - El Perdiodic / Andorra - Andorra aprova en 18 de les 20 recomanacions del Greco

20/07/2017 - Bondia / Andorra - Andorra tanca l’avaluació del Greco complint 18 de les 20 recomanacions

20/07/2017 - EFE - La Vanguardia - El Periódico de Catalunya Online - El Periódico / Spain - El C.Europa mantiene dos reservas sobre la normativa andorrana anticorrupción

20/07/2017 - Cadena SER / Spain - Andorra supera l'avaluació del Greco

Lithuania / Lituanie

19/07/2017 - ELTA / Lithuania - Grybauskaite inks updated Law on Courts

Spain / Espagne

19/07/2017 - El Correo Gallego / Spain - Lo público y lo privado

18/07/2017 - Europa Press / Spain - El PP tacha de "frivolidad" decir que no hay independencia judicial y PSOE denuncia ''mayor presión'' del Ejecutivo

Slovenia / Slovénie

16/07/2017 - STA / Slovenia - Slovenia working to implement GRECO recommendations in judiciary


15/07/2017 - Monaco Matin - Nice Matin / France - Corruption des magistrats et des élus : état des lieux

Belgium / Belgique

13/07/2017 - La Dernière Heure / Belgique - Le pactole de nos partis politiques

Malta / Malte

11/07/2017 - Malta Today / Malta - Gifts and revolving doors should be included in MPs’ code of conduct


10/07/2017 - Le Monde / France - Fin de la réserve parlementaire : les associations locales partagées

Germany / Allemagne

07/07/2017 - DPA - Börse Online - Aachener Zeitung - Aachener Nachrichten / Germany - Bundestag stemmt sich gegen strengere Lobby-Regeln

07/07/2017 - Behoerdenstress - WideBlick - LobbyControl - Ad-hoc News / Germany - Lobbyisten-Skandal: Kritik des Europarats: Deutschland muss Lobbyismus besser regeln!

07/07/2017 - LTO / Germany - Transparenz

06/07/2017 - Weltexpress - Blackbox Bundestag oder Lobbyismus in Stadt und Land offenlegen

Sweden / Suède

05/07/2017 - Nyhetssajten Europaportalen - Council of Europe anti-corruption body issues report on transparency of political party funding in Sweden

05/07/2017 - Dagen Nyheter - Lucka i lagen gör att bidrag till partier blir anonyma

Ireland / Irlande

02/07/2017 - The Sunday Independent / UK - It's time to end toxic political influence in our judicial system

30/06/2017 - The Irish Times / Ireland - Irish judicial independence criticised; Only three out of 11 anti-corruption recommendations met, report says

30/06/2017 - Irish Legal News / Ireland - Ireland criticised for failing to implement anti-corruption measures

30/06/2017 - The Times / UK - New judicial bill ‘does not go far enough’

30/06/2017 - The Times / UK - Resources would pay off for regulator

Estonia / Estonie

28/06/2017 - Postimees / Estonia - GRECO tunnustas Eesti saavutusi korruptsiooni vastu võitlemisel - Eesti uudised

Switzerland / Suisse

28/06/2017 - Le Temps / Switzerland - L’initiative sur la transparence à la peine

Italy / Italie

28/06/2017 - ANSA / Italy - Strasburgo, creare network europeo autorità anti-corruzione

Russian Federation / Fédération de Russie

27/06/2017 - Izvestia / Russia - Neither give nor take


02/07/2017 - Turan / Azerbaijan - GRECO Prepares Recommendations on Combating Corruption in PACE

27/06/2017 - ANSA / Italy - Corruzione: parte inchiesta su assemblea Consiglio d’Europa


24/06/2017 - - En direct de l'Europe. Le difficile chemin vers la moralisation exemplaire

Finland / Finlande

24/06/2017 - MTV - STT / Finland - Korruption vastainen elin: Suomi on toteuttanut loputkin vaateista

24/06/2017 - Aamulehti / Finland - Viimeksi Suomi sai korruptiosta kahdeksan huomautusta – Nyt kaikki ongelmat on korjattu

Spain / Espagne

24/06/2017 - Europa Press / Spain - Transparencia presenta al Consejo de Europa un sistema para prevenir malas prácticas en la Administración


23/06/2017 - TAP / Tunisia - High-level Tunisian delegation received at Council of Europe

23/06/2017 - Economiste Maghrebin / Tunis - Corruption : la Tunisie dépose sa demande au GRECO


23/06/2017 - Le / France - Conflits d’intérêts: enquête sur un déni français


22/06/2017 - Agence Europe / interantional - GRECO calls for revision of code of conduct of members of Parliamentary Assembly of Council of Europe

22/06/2017 - / international - Anticorruption body gave a critical assessment to the PACE Code of Conduct

22/06/2017 - Panorama / Armenia - GRECO issues critical assessment of PACE integrity framework

21/06/2017 - RBC / Ukraine - The Council of Europe supports the creation of an anti-corruption body in PACE

21/06/2017 - Unian / Ukraine - The Council of Europe supports the decision to create a body to investigate corruption in PACE, the Russians vote against

Germany / Allemagne

22/06/2017 - Süddeutsche Zeitung / Germany - ''Dunkelkammer der Demokratie''; Lobbycontrol wirft der großen Koalition Versagen im Kampf gegen Einflussnahme vor

21/06/2017 - Handelsblatt Online / Germany - Lobbyreport 2017; Freie Fahrt für Lobbyisten?


20/06/2017 - Le Monde / France - Les magistrats relancent le débat sur le statut du parquet

Estonia / Estonie

19/06/2017 - Baltic Daily / international - GRECO acknowledges Estonia's achievements in combating corruption

Italy / Italie

17/06/2017 - Eurocomunicazione - Il Consiglio d’Europa spiegato nei minimi dettagli


15/06/2017 - Le Monde / France - Une étape dans la lutte contre la corruption

14/06/2017 - Le Monde, France - Le gouvernement veut franchir une étape dans la lutte contre la corruption

Turkey / Turquie

13/06/2017 - Turkish Minute / Turkey - GRECO: Turkey’s compliance with recommendations to fight corruption is globally unsatisfactory

13/06/2017 - Aravot / Armenia - Turkey: compliance with recommendations to fight corruption remains ''globally unsatisfactory'' GRECO says

13/06/2017 - KUNA / Kuwait - Council of Europe: Turkish anti-corruption efforts ''globally unsatisfactor''

13/06/2017 - ANSA / Italy - Turchia: Strasburgo, no progressi trasparenza fondi partiti

13/06/2017 - Cumhuriyet / Turkey - Yolsuzlukla mücadelede Türkiye ‘istop’ etti

General Activity Report 2016 / Rapport général d'activités 2016

10/06/2017 - La Voz de Galicia / Spain - La Justicia puede mejorar

09/06/2017 - Diari Bondia / Andorra - Andorra compleix la meitat de les recomanacions del Greco

09/06/2017 - Cyprus Mail - Cyprus News Agency / Cyprus - Greco: Cyprus making progress against corruption

08/06/2017 - Mediamax / Armenia - Armenia implements GRECO recommendations only partially

08/06/2017 - Aravot - A1 Plus / Armenia - Council of Europe urges states to step up their action to prevent corruption

08/06/2017 - BelaPAN / Belarus - Belarusian authorities once again give no permission for publication of report by Council of Europe's anti-corruption body

08/06/2017 - Népszava / Hungary - Készül a jelentés a magyar korrupcióról

08/06/2017 - Cumhuriyet - T24 - e-Gazete / Turkey - AK'nın 'yolsuzluk' raporundan: Türkiye, parti finansmanı şeffaflığına dair tavsiyeleri uygulamadı

08/06/2017 - AGERPRES - Ultima Ora - / Romania - Statele europene se concentrează prea mult pe reprimarea corupției în defavoarea mecanismelor de prevenție (Consiliul Europei)

08/06/2017 - Kosova Press - Kosova Info / Kosovo* - Këshilli i Evropës kërkon më shumë luftë kundër korrupsionit

08/06/2017 - Agence Europe / International - Council of Europe notes increasing number of scandals and calls on EU to join GRECO

08/06/2017 - STA / Slovenia - CoE notes lack of measures against corruption in Slovenian parliament

08/06/2017 - Giornale di Sicilia / Italy - Il monito di Strasburgo: ''L'Italia indietro nell'anti-corruzione''

07/06/2017 - L'Humanité / France - Lutte contre la corruption : la France, médiocre élève de l’Europe

07/06/2017 - EFE - La Vanguardia - 20 Minutos - Las Provincias / Spain - España, país que menos aplica medidas del Greco contra la corrupción judicial

07/06/2017 - BETA - Blic / Serbia - Savet Evrope: Unaprediti borbu protiv korupcije

07/06/2017 - Tanjug - B92 / Serbia - SE: Srbija primenila većinu preporuka o korupciji u 2016

07/06/2017 - MTI - - / Hungary - Strasbourg aggódik a pártfinanszírozás átláthatósága miatt

07/06/2017 - Hetq Online / Armenia - Steps Taken to Fight Corruption in Armenia a Mixed Bag, Says CoE Body

07/06/2017 - Ukrinform / Ukraine - Ukraine complies with 85% of Council of Europe's recommendations for tackling corruption

07/06/2017 - ANSA / Italy - Council of Europe sounds alarm on magistrates in politics

07/06/2017 - ANSA / Italy - Italy behind in fight against corruption - GRECO

07/06/2017 - RAI News / Italy - Strasburgo, l'Italia indietro su anticorruzione

07/06/2017 - DPA - Handelsblatt - Wallstreet Online / Germany - Finanzen / Austria - Staaten sollten mehr auf Prävention setzen

07/06/2017 - El País / Spain - El Consejo de Europa sitúa a España a la cola en la lucha por la independencia de la justicia

07/06/2017 - EL PERIÓDICO / Spain - España no avanza en independencia judicial pese a los avisos del Greco

07/06/2017 - Agência Lusa - DN / Portugal - Grupo de Estados contra a Corrupção preocupado com falta de prevenção

07/06/2017 - Ritzau Finans - Jyllands-Posten - - / Denmark - Det går trægt med at bekæmpe korruption i Europa

07/06/2017 - Jyllands-Posten / Denmark - Danmark får endelig en smule ros af antikorruptionsenhed


04/06/2017 - France Info - Moralisation et transparence : la France en bonne marche

02/06/2017 - Reuters France - International - - Mediapart - - Boursorama / Le Conseil de l’Europe salue la loi Bayrou sur la moralisation

02/06/2017 - France Inter - Réserve parlementaire, micro-partis, des exceptions françaises ?

Spain / Espagne

02/06/2017 - La Voz de Galicia / Spain - Un historial plagado de sospechas

Spain / Espagne

29/05/2017 - El País / Spain - Poder judicial: Justicia y credibilidad social

Italy / Italie

25/05/2017 - ItaliaOggi - Aggravanti per reati anti pa

Spain / Espagne

21/05/2017 - El Periódico de Aragón / Spain - Rehab para corruptos

18/05/2017 - Politico / International - Spain’s never-ending corruption problem

European Parliament / Parlement européen

17/05/2017 - Agence Europe / International - MEPs concerned at rise in number of irregularities in 2015

Spain / Espagne

14/05/2017 - El Periodico / Spain - Así se rehabilita (o no) un corrupto

RFE - Radio Slobodna Evropa / international

11/05/2017 - RFE - Radio Slobodna Evropa / international - Novac građana za račune stranaka

Denmark / Danemark

05/05/2017 - Politiken / Denmark - Ledende artikel: Lad folk se pengene

05/05/2017 - Ritzau / Denmark - Ammitzbøll er tilfreds med sin egen indsats for åbenhed


05/05/2017 - Jornal de Notícias / Portugal - Transparência Conselho Superior segue recomendação internacional da GRECO

Spain / Espagne

05/05/2017 - El Pais / Spain - Quién erosiona la democracia

Denmark / Danemark

04/05/2017 - Jyllands-Posten / Denmark - Fakta: Danmark har nølet med åbenhed om partistøtte

Belgium / Belgique

27/04/2017 - Le Vif - L'Express / Belgium - Les élus se protègent de la justice

Romania / Roumanie

25/04/2017 - Radio Europa Libera - Gianluca Esposito: „Schimbările majore în legislația penală, inclusiv în cea anticorupție, este important să se facă prin intermediul unui proces parlamentar” (VIDEO)

21/04/2017 - Euronews - Yahoo News / International - EU Commission’s Timmermans encourages Romania in anti-corruption drive

20/04/2017 - Business Review - ACT Media / Romania - Council of Europe expresses concern about use of emergency procedures to amend legislation in Romania

20/04/2017 - Business Review - ACT Media / Romania - Council of Europe expresses concern about use of emergency procedures to amend legislation in Romania

19/04/2017 - Agenzia Nova / Italy - Romania: Consiglio d'Europa, preoccupazione per procedure d'urgenza per modifica legislazione

19/04/2017 - Romania Insider / Romania - European anti-corruption body, worried about law changes in Romania

19/04/2017 - New Europe / International - Council of Europe concerned about emergency procedures in Romania

18/04/2017 - - Council of Europe concerned about emergency procedures in Romania

DPA - Europarat besorgt um Kampf gegen Korruption in Rumänien - Europarat besorgt um Kampf gegen Korruption in Rumänien - Europarat besorgt um Kampf gegen Korruption in Rumänien - Europarat besorgt um Kampf gegen Korruption in Rumänien - Europarat besorgt um Kampf gegen Korruption in Rumänien - Organismul anticorupție al Consiliului Europei, preocupat de folosirea procedurii de urgență pentru amendarea legislației în România - Exclusiv - Aprecieri europene justitia romania

Aktual - ALERTA. Raport dur al Consiliului Europei privind actiunile guvernului Grindeanu-Dragnea impotriva justitiei: „Ne manifestam ingrijorarea” - GRECO, organismul anti-coruptie al Consiliului Europei, ingrijorat de folosirea ordonantelor pentru modificarea legilor penale din Romania

Revista 22 - GRECO, îngrijorat de modificarea legilor penale din România prin ordonanțe de guvern - EXCLUSIV Aprecieri europene pentru justitie. Cum sunt vazute la Bruxelles eforturile anticoruptie ale Romaniei

AGERPRES - Organismul anticoruptie al Consiliului Europei atrage atentia Romaniei sa nu mai schimbe de urgenta legislatia penala - Organismul anticoruptie al consiliului europei preocupat de folosirea procedurii de urgenta pentru amendarea legislatiei in Romania

Radio Romania - GRECO report on Romania 

Romania - European anti-corruption body, worried about law changes in Romania - Council of Europe anti-corruption body GRECO expresses concern about the use of emergency procedures to amend legislation in Romania - Organismul anticorupţie al Consiliului Europei, îngrijorat de folosirea procedurii de urgenţă pentru modificarea legislaţiei în România


13/04/2017 - Publico - Quer encomendar uma lei à sua medida? Ainda pode - Grupo de Estados Contra a Corrupção diz que Portugal cumpriu dez de 13 recomendações, mas ainda há diplomas legais problemáticos.

Jornal de negocios - Portugal cumpriu parcialmente recomendações sobre criminalização da corrupção

Terra - C. Europa concluye la última ronda de evaluación sobre corrupción en Portugal

Sumario actual - Corrupção: Portugal cumpriu apenas parcialmente estas recomendações

Jornal de noticias - Portugal criticado na luta contra a corrupção

TVI 24 - Corrupção: Portugal só cumpriu parcialmente três recomendações

Pt Jornal -

Romania / Roumanie

29/03/2017 - Agenzianova / Italy - Romania: procuratore capo Dna Kovesi a Strasburgo per convegno anticorruzione

Russian Federation / Fédération de Russie

28/03/2017 - Izvestiya - Russia ready for GRECO evaluation - Комиссия из Европы оценит ситуацию в российском парламенте, судах и прокуратуре/

28/03/2017 - TVC - Russia to consider favouritism as corruption - Эти поправки рекомендует принять Группа государств против коррупции (GRECO). В нее входит Россия наряду с другими 48 странами

28/03/2017 - The Christian Science Monitor / USA - A model for anti-corruption Russians

Azerbaijan / Azerbaïdjan

27/03/2017 - RFE - Nowhere To Be Found: Firms With Official Ties Absent From Key Azerbaijani Registry 

Romania / Roumanie

27/03/2017 - / Romania - Dragnea si Tariceanu trebuie sa spuna Bruxellesului ce masuri au fost luate impotriva coruptiei in ultimii 2 ani

When public and private interests clash….

By Thorbjørn Jagland, Secretary General of the Council of Europe

20.03.2017 - New Europe - When public and private interests clash….

Slovenia / Slovénie

03/03/2017 - STA / Slovenia - Govt happy with anti-graft efforts

Czech Republic / République Tchèque

02/03/2017 - Publication of the 4th Interim Compliance Report - Česko podle expertů Rady Evropy pokročilo v boji proti korupci - Rada Evropy chválí Česko za lepší boj v korupci, vadí jí ale veřejný sektor - Česko zlepšilo boj proti korupci, chválí evropští experti. Ocenili průhlednější financování stran - Česko velmi pokročilo v boji s korupcí, chválí Rada Evropy - Stranické kasy jsou přehlednější, boj s korupcí vázne, hodnotí zpráva Česko - Česko podle expertů Rady Evropy pokročilo v boji proti korupci - Pochvala pro Česko: V boji proti korupci nastal pokrok, zní z Rady Evropy

CTK - - 

Radio Praha

Video report on Czech TV : 00:01:01 Česko výrazně pokročilo v boji proti korupci a v úsilí -

Hospodářské noviny -

Norway / Norvège

15/02/2017 - Publication of Fourth Round Compliance Report

NTB/Norge Idag - NTB/Adressa - NTB/NA24

Slovenia / Slovénie

15/02/2017 - Publication of the 2nd Interim Compliance Report of Fourth Round

Delo daily; Slovenian Telegraph Agency; Slovenian Radio and TV; Dnevnik daily (reference to the STA report); Primorske Novice daily (reference to the STA report)

09/02/2017 - STA; Vlada RS

Austria / Autriche

13/02/2017 - Publication of 4th Round Evaluation Report

Kurier (APA) ; Kronen Zeitung (APA) ; Tiroler Tageszeitung (AFP/APA) ; Salzburger Nachrichten (APA)

Belarus / Bélarus

31/01/2017 - Belapan - - Belarus does not allow to publish GRECO reports on corruption (inteview)


30/01/2017 - New Europe/international - Op-ed by Marin Mrcela: Transparency, corruption's natural enemy


29/01/2017 - Le - «Finissons-en avec la République des conjoints!»

Italy / Italie

29/01/2017 - Il Messaggero Online/Italy - Legnini (Csm): «Arriva una circolare per le procure: serve una maggiore responsabilità»

Denmark / Danemark

26/01/2017 - - Europarådet løfter pegefingeren over for dansk partistøtte

Italy / Italie

25/01/2017 - Il Fatto Quotidiano - Conflitto d'interessi, la Camera ha il Codice etico ma nessuno se n’è accorto: tre deputati su quattro non rispondono

Sweden / Suède

24/01/2017 - TT - Dagens Nyheter / Sweden - Dagens Nyheter / Sweden Karensregler föreslås för statsråd 

Tunisia / Tunisie

24/01/2017 - Agency Tunis Afrique Press / Tunisia: Administrative Reform Committee calls for operationalisation of Higher Council for Fight against Corruption

Spain / Espagne

23/01/2017 - Infolibre/Belgium - El Congreso se fija menos en la corrupción

Italy / Italie

22/01/2017 - Rai1 - (audio)  Interview begins 13'15'' into the programme - Interview with Gianluca Esposito, Executive Secretary of GRECO

22/01/2017 - ItaliaOggi - Giudici sempre assolti

20/01/2017 - Adnkronos - Giustizia: Orlando, Consiglio d'Europa ha riconosciuto sforzi su corruzione

19/01/2017 - Publication of 4th Round Evaluation Report


Georgia / Géorgie

17/01/2017 - Publication of 4th Round Evaluation Report

  • In English / en anglais:,-but-do-more-453562

  • In Georgian / en géorgien:




Belgium / Belgique

12/01/2017 - La - Corruption : la Belgique en fait trop peu

De Standaard - België gezakt voor preventie van corruptie

Agence Belga - - De Morgen / Belgium - ANP - De Telegraaf / Netherlands - België laks bij aanpak corruptie

Agence Belga - RTBF - Le Soir - L'Avenir / Belgique - Corruption des parlementaires et magistrats: un mauvais bulletin belge

Xinhua / International - Lutte anticorruption: la Belgique peut mieux faire (rapport)

De Tijd / Belgium - België te laks voor omkoping parlementsleden

Denmark / Danemark

21/12/2016 - Publication 5th Interim Compliance Report

Politiken/Ritzau - DR/Ritzau - Berlingske/Ritzau - Jyllands-Posten/Ritzau

Spain / Espagne

19/12/2016 - La Verdad - «La corrupción no es inherente al poder; es el resultado de actos individuales inaceptables. Ningún país es inmune», La Verdad, 19.12.2016