Retour Reception on the occasion of the National Day of Bulgaria

Strasbourg , 

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Ambassador, ladies and gentlemen,

It is a pleasure to be with you to celebrate Bulgaria’s National Day.

This is of course a very special time for your country as you prepare to celebrate two holidays in short succession:

Baba Marta Day, on 1st March, marks the beginning of Spring, while National Day, on 3rd March, recalls Bulgaria’s achievement of independence in 1878.

It is interesting to note that the latter has only been a public holiday since the fall of the Iron Curtain – a seismic event that allowed Bulgaria to return to the fold of the European family, including the Council of Europe.

Over the past 27 years your country has been a full participant in the work of our Organisation, promoting human rights, democracy and the rule of law.

For example, your membership of GRECO is valued in its fight against corruption.

Your membership of the Venice Commission is important for ensuring the independence of the judiciary in our member states.

And, in total, Bulgaria has now ratified 85 Council of Europe conventions to the benefit of people in your country.

These include our Budapest Convention on Cybercrime; our Convention against Trafficking in Human Beings; and our Convention on the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse.

Just three examples which, between them, show the way in which Bulgaria has been able to work within the Council of Europe to secure people’s rights – whether they are online, crossing national borders, or in their home environment.

Ladies and gentlemen, people in Bulgaria have benefited from their country’s membership of the Council of Europe, just as the Council of Europe benefits every day from Bulgaria’s presence here.

So it is a particular pleasure for me to wish you all a very happy National Day.

Bulgariya, nasdrawje!